Monday, March 31, 2008

Y'know what's going to grind me to a halt?

In a few months, when all the log-rolling, influence-peddling, chip-calling, glad-handing, and back-stabbing is over, and Hillary "Ms. Inevitable" Clinton still doesn't have the Democratic nomination, I'm going to have to put up with four years of the worst whining in certain circles since Ferraro followed Mondale into oblivion. The whole thing will be stone cold proof to them that the patriarchy still has the game rigged, or that American women who didn't vote for her are just too blinded by the media machine of our male overlords to select one of our own for the top job. Not for a moment will it be considered by those folks that it's because the first really serious woman contender for the Oval Office is the most divisive figure in American politics since Richard Nixon.


  1. It’s funny, it seems to be the women who hate her more than the men. Is that the fault of the patriarchy, too? It's so confusing.

  2. Everything's the fault of the patriarchy.

  3. There's an historical precident: Black men got the vote before white women. Roll that around in your brain for aminute or nine.

    I'm going to start calling this campaign "The Bad, The worse, and the Ugly". You decide for yourself who is whom.

  4. If you were old enough and willing to run this small part of the Patriarchy would vote for you. It is the candidate not the gender or race or religion or prior military and foreign service... but then you do have better sense, don't you?

  5. I like the way Earl said it, "it is the candidate..."

    Why should anyone vote for Hillary because she is a woman?

    Why should anyone vote for Obama because he is "black?"

    Why should anyone vote for McCain because he is male?

    Personally I think we have 3 stooges to look at until the decision is made, then it'll be two. I'd like a true conservative in the mold of Ronald Reagan.

  6. Ermmmm ... when does my wife get the "male overlords" memo?

    Whenever I breach this kind of subject, she just laughs, or threatens to shoot me.

  7. Clearly, you took too many rads, and are now suffering from radfem sickness.

    It's sort of like Bush Derangement Syndrome... the simultaneous belief that men are naturally very stupid and childlike, but somehow also capable of controlling (and ruining) every aspect of their lives.

    No wonder they don't feel empowered.

  8. A lot of women seem to hate Hil's guts. Could it be that everytime she smiles, she looks like your batty fucking aunt? I mean seriously Hil, stop with the eyebrows. It looks like she just saw Ronald Reagan rise from the dead and do the tango nude.

    Also, the harpy bitch thing doesn't help.

  9. Misha at has an interesting story about Hillary swiping the files on the Douglas impeachment to remove the precedent for impeached persons having counsel at impeachment hearing. This led to her being fired and getting no letter of recommend from her supervisor.

  10. Well, she has "suspended" her campaigning and the whining has started.


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