Saturday, April 12, 2008

Barry comes over all elitist...

...Bloggers are less than amused.

Watch as the Great Uniter manages to piss off a Southwestern male retired military vet and an East Coast female liberal arts professor with the very same sentence. That's some powerful unitin' you got goin' on there, Barack.


  1. I loved her unicorn pooping snark. That's almost up to Tam level LOLs.

  2. Just when I thought the campaign couldn't get any funnier.

    Not only did he eat his foot, he just kept RIGHT ON GOING. He's past the knee and heading for the honeypot now.

  3. Hey their united... they both agree it will be a cold day in hell before they vote for B.H.O.

  4. Thanks to B'HO I've got Billy Joel's "Allentown" running through my head. I might have to do something with that.

    Thanks for the Tamalanche!

  5. There's nothing new and fresh about Barrack Obama. He is ruled by ill-formed opinions and distrusts millions of Americans between the left and right coasts he hasn't taken time to know. As far as "change we can believe in", his irrational thought doesn't seem far removed from an average, rabid Neocon.

    I need to clean my T/C Contender and visit with Jesus now.

  6. I'm confused. BHO spent twenty years in a church listening to neo-Marxist and black supremacist vitriol, apparently without ever realizing it until now.

    But during a single bus tour, he is somehow able to peer deep inside the soul an entire state.

    He should stick to what he knows and talk about the price of manicures and arugala.

  7. Oh, Tamalanche, ahoy!

    Thanks for the bump, Tam.

  8. But- but- but- he's THE ONE (tm)- Okra says so!


  9. You forgot the Illinois NEA member.

  10. He got at least one corn-fed thoroughly middle-class Midwestern marketing manager/marketing doctoral candidate too.

  11. It's been said before I know, but it must be chilly in Hell these days since I actually wish Hillary had easily clinched the Dems nomination.

    And a word or two to all those who would like to compare Obama to JFK from an earlier campaign:

    'I knew John Kennedy and you, Senator, are no John Kennedy.'

  12. Now I want a "crossdressing Lumberjacks for Obama" sticker.


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