Thursday, April 03, 2008

Butt in the chair.

In the interest of actually getting some writing done, I'm stealing a page from the playbook of my pal Marko. I've dragged a PowerBook Duo 280c out of the attic and parked an extension cord behind the futon in the living room where I can prop myself up on some big comfy pillows and type away to my heart's content without the distractions of internet access or even a CD-ROM drive. When I need to get words off the machine, I can hook it to its dock, burn to floppy, and run from there.

We'll start with blocking off an hour a day of self-imposed Non-Intarw3bitude and work our way up from there.

If y'all will excuse me, I'm going to go immerse myself in 19th Century military rifles for a bit. Back later.


  1. you immersed in 19th century weaponry...more high art! where's volk when you really need him? jtc

  2. vas ist das "floppy" of which you speak?

  3. Soon she'll be muttering about serial and parallel connections.

    Almost as bad as her Barack Dream that.

  4. Hm.

    I wonder where you got the 280c?

    And the 540c I sent already has a floppy drive, even though it's not as small. And a network port...

  5. And the loss of the ability to instantly search the Internet for le mot juste is no problem?

    Hmm. The Force is strong with this one.


  6. For years Jerry Pournelle talked about his Monk's Cell. He keeps an obsolete PC without so much as a dialup modem or a copy of solitaire installed. As I recall the PC had a bare install of Windows, a copy of Word installed on it, and nothing else. That way he could be sure he wouldn't get distracted.


  7. "In the interest of actually getting some writing done..."

    What? You just looked at a calender, and said, "Has Sunday passed again?"

  8. Funny thing, I tend to use my regular, recent laptop for offline writing because it lacks a mouse, so it's annoying with that little pad to do any Web surfing.

    With nothing but a keyboard, I don't want to do anything but type.

    And I can save things off to the network.

    On the down side, all you have to do in instant message conversations is type, so sometimes I spend a hundred minutes worth of battery on catching up with friends.

  9. freddyboomboom,

    "And the 540c I sent already has a floppy drive, even though it's not as small. And a network port..."

    I already spent an hour on the phone with Marko trying to decide which would be the perfect writing laptop, and now you're confusing things even further! :)

  10. Well, the 280c is so much more comfortable to sit on the couch with...

    Or on a chair on the porch...

    It still rocks.

    I've got a bunch of software on floppies for those.

    If you want them, send me a mail drop address, and I'll box them up and ship 'em to ya.

  11. I thought stuff started floppy and burn to crispy.


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