Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Earth Day = Lenin's birthday. Coincidence? Doubtful.

I wonder how much CO2 is emitted by a couple pecks of burning hippie?

I think I'll drive to the nearest army-navy surplus store and buy something distinctly warlike, and preferably harmful or fatal if swallowed, to be kept out of reach of children, and full of PCBs.


  1. Smoke a carton of unfiltered Chesterfields, helmet up the head with some old school CFC laden White Rain, run a pound of power through a Whitworth, and finish it off with a suckling pig next to a massive white oak and hickory fire. Or a hippie. Long pig's fine eatin'.

    Bonus points if you work PBR (can) in there somewhere.

  2. They're not called 'EnviroLeninists' for nothing, you know. They advocate the same sort of poverty redistribution that Lenin did, just with a different and trendy cause.

  3. I'm flying to Detroit today on an EVIL jet. And Detroit is the car capital of the US.

    That's gotta count for something.

  4. Watermelons, Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside.

  5. Cange the oil in the bimmer. Pour used oil on a hippie. See if hippie notices.

  6. 1 metric ton of dead hippie can be rendered into 80 gallons of biodiesel.

  7. For some reason, the carburated 454 in my Suburban needed extra warm up time yesterday...


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