Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gun Lust.

ColtCCO is selling his Remington 600-based .308 Scout Rifle built by the oft-referenced-here-at-VFTP Gunsmith Bob.

I have handled this rifle. I have lusted over this rifle. The only reason ColtCCO even has this rifle is because I didn't know Gunsmith Bob was selling it, and by the time I was aware that it was on the block, the sale was a fait accompli. I have offered the lad serious bucks for the rifle in the past and been turned down.

It is now up for sale. The asking price is less than I had offered in the past, back in the day when I was defecating in high cotton. The person who has the money and does not buy this rifle is a fool. I would climb over a pile of factory Steyr Scouts to get at this thing. I am putting my Bimmer on the block as soon as I can get it washed and pictures taken and if this rifle remains unsold when I have the ducats in hand, I will buy it.

I was an idjit once. Do not be an idjit like me. Do not let this rifle go past without buying it.


  1. Very neat. I emailed ColtCCO I'd take it. I told him that if you want it next year after the new toy feel has worn off, at the same price, it's yours.

  2. Damn, now I feel really bad about not calling you first, Tam. I didn't think of it. If it weren't paying for wisdom teefs removal(ow), it could wait, too.

    I'll get all of George's contact info, and ensure that you can steal it from him next year.


  3. Next dibs if georgeh doesn't work out for any reason.

  4. Damn. That's a nice rifle and a very good price. If I wasn't still paying for a funeral and smarting from an unexpected tax bill I'd buy it in a second.


  5. Wait Tam!! Check your account!! Your Uncle Sam is wiring you some money! You can STIMULATE the economy!! Go for it!
    Seriously, I can see why you want it. Good Luck.

  6. I am glad that y'all took care of buying it and Tam gets it later - if I weren't such a selfish fellow and wished I had woken earlier to read the post first. Lovely weapon, does it have a twin?

  7. Nice piece. Classy, George. :-)

  8. Oh. I see that didn't take very long. I guess I'll just close that email, now...


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