Thursday, April 24, 2008

The importance of communication...

It is important to have an easily understood, mutually-agreed-upon means of communicating with one's housemates...

"We are so very immature."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Not not not!"

"Too to the infinity!"

Anyhow, I was very proud of myself for getting VFTP Command Central all converted over to the old Macs.


  1. ...Here at Roseholme Cottage, the same few letters often stay up for several days, being rearranged to approximately spell phrases that, more often than not, meant somethng to the gal who composed them. :)

    (In this instance, I do know what those "1337 skilz" are. They are indeed to be feared: Tam has reanimated the electronic dead. So to speak).

  2. Yeah, but there're only so many 3's in a package.

  3. I had a vision of a Mac monster lying on a table in a thunderstorm with Tam cackling, "It's alive, it's ALIVE!"

    So if Tam is reanimating the dead, who plays Igor to her Dr. Frankenstein? (It's not Roberta, I've seen her in meat space and she's DEFINITELY no Igor.)

    One of the cats perhaps?

  4. Why, Aklan, you've made my morning!

  5. Well then, my work here is done.

  6. Ever tried that package of magnetic words? Maybe they call it refrigerator poetry kit or something like that. Those are fun for all ages. :)

    Ah! Googled it -

  7. What's really scary is I just saw a minivan being driven by a skinny twig in his late60's-70's and he had 1337 as his license plate.

  8. Jeff, I believe B&N carries them in their superstores.


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