Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's not often I'm struck absolutely speechless...

...but I'm at an utter loss when trying to picture the household that would purchase a copy of "Why Mommy Is Getting A Boob Job".

I'll bet the conversation around that dinner table those TV trays is absolutely scintillating.


  1. You can find it right next to "Vasectomy for Idiots".

  2. 1. I suppose it's better that the child have some explanation than just wonder how mother came to look different.

    2. Did you look at the cover? Is it just me, or is daughter a bit butch?

  3. Isn't it just obscene when the mothers have so much surgery that the children look like they came out of some other woman? I mean, look at Rumer Willis, Bruce and Demi's daughter who had to have lots of surgery to remove the parts that looked like mom's original face. What a bunch of maroons.

  4. Look at picture of Bill and Hils bracketing a young Chelsea.

    Things that make you go "Hmmm"...

  5. "I'll bet the conversation around that ... those TV trays is absolutely scintillating."

    Some might even say, um, "titillating."

  6. And some might not give in to temptation, while chuckling all the same...

  7. It's times like this that I'm glad to be male and have a son.

    This kind of thing creeps me out and I say that as somebody who can eat dinner with a ambulance crew and not get grossed out when they talk.

    Staghounds - I noticed the fact that mom looks like a frigging Barbie doll already (assuming that is the before picture)[but even if that is the after picture, she's still damn Barbie-ish]


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