Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"The mask has slipped..."

Remember when the Democrats were the party of the little guy? The blue collar stiff? The salt of the Earth? (Back before half the populists migrated to the GOP in a Carter-hating tiff? Note to Republicans: these guys are stinking up the caviar buffet line in the Big Tent with their Eau de William Jennings Bryan.)

RobertaX writes about how Obama's episode of foot-munching in Pennsylvania shows the Democrat's national candidates really do still care about the little guy, in much the same way that a dairy farmer cares about cattle or the guys in Brokeback Mountain cared about sheep.



  1. Indeed. When the man has no handlers or teleprompters to mask his intent, his real attitudes and opinions ooze to the surface like swamp muck.

    It isn't pretty.

    I can't imagine his attitudes having good result if he were to be elected.

  2. Actually, I don't remember when the Dumbocraps were the party of the little guy. I remember when they were the party that wanted to hoover out my wallet and give the money to "the poor" (who always seemed to drive better cars than I did) and take my guns away.

    Oh, wait. They still want to do that. Carry on.

  3. Well, that was always their schtick, at any rate. Ask any union member.

  4. I read an op-ed yesterday that claimed that Obama had just shot himself and the Dems in the foot by alienating "Jacksonians", the original "attack me or my family, and I'll kill you" Modern Democrats. Such folks may not always be Rhodes Scholars, but hold to grudges tighter than they do to their guns. They'll remember this slur (and it was just that) come November: If Obama is the nominee, they'll vote for McCain, or Mr. Magoo, before they vote for him.

  5. I took an acid-pill, now the bitter is gone away but I still feel clingy, Obama wants me to cling to Gubbmint but I don't swing that way.

  6. I love the way people have piled onto this. My song parody may not be that good, but this painting from a small town Pennsylvania church is hilarious.

    (Scroll down- sorry it's linked to me, but I don't know how to post a picture in the comments.)

  7. Tam -- I was a union member (USWA, at Stewart-Warner South Wind) for a year and a half, in 1980-81. I clearly remember the union telling us the Dumbs were the party of blue collar stiffs like us, but luckily I was already a Reaganaut and was immune to their propaganda. :D

  8. I find it hard to believe that a small town in PA would use a leveraction in a depiction of Jesus.

    Now an M82..


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