Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Speaking of barbaric customs...

The headline read Girl thrown on fire for being 'low class', and before I clicked on it, I thought "Well, that's it for Britney..."


  1. India is a country that, over a few thousand years, has culturally institutionalized class-envy and division, and created a social system to preserve it -- much like the unwitting consequences that race-baiters like Reverend Wright and Jesse Jackson, would impose.

  2. Feh. In this country we celebrate low class...turned it into something to strive for.

  3. Ms. Hilton is safe- there are environmental regulations (and social taboos) that prohibit the unprotected burning of synthetic and chemical trash.

  4. This benign potrayal of Hinduism continues the American media does not have the guts to go after the darkness called Hinduism be it the racial persecution of inferior caste Hindus or the genocide of religious minorities like Muslims Sikhs and Christians in India, like the recent Gujarat genocide of Muslims in India in 2002 taking advantage of teh september 11 attacks and the corporate media manufactured anti-Islamism.


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