Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alert the Department of Irony.

Apparently an admiral is being ashcanned for engaging in a little extramarital affair back when he was an aide at the White House in 1990 (including some actual nookie at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue), and then allegedly engaging in some less-than-creative perjury to cover up.

Silly Navy officer! If he'd waited just a couple of years, National Command Authority might have lent him a cigar. And some better excuses.


  1. Stufflebeem!

    Stufflebeem, Stufflebeem, Stufflebeem!

    Thank you, that is all.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. What happened to the statute of limitations?? 18 years later; give me a break; I can't remember many names from 18 years ago either. Also, when will woman learn a man will tell you anything to get what he wants!

  4. "what "is" nookie, really..."

    If "is" has a fuzzy definition, I'm sure "nookie" is downright undefinable............


  5. I'm not sure if the UCMJ has a Statute of Limitations on "Conduct Unbecoming". Does it?

  6. "Silly Navy officer! If he'd waited just a couple of years, National Command Authority might have lent him a cigar.

    Two years is a loonng time when you're being controlled by raging hormones.

    And thinkin' is difficult when the blood needed to operate the brain is being used somewhere else.

    Word Verification "zelfabuz"

  7. I didn't know he was a Submariner, but I have no problem with his stepping down and out - there are better people in Navy uniforms, many of them.

  8. I have no clear recollection of that, Senator.

  9. au contraire dear Tam..... that would be Conduct Becoming. The gentleman was upholding the finest traditions of the Naval service...

    Of course, he was convicted of making false statements. The tradition lives on.....

  10. But is a permanent duty station considered "shore leave", even if it is on dry ground? ;)


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