Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Grow-y stuff!

The Nepo... Necro... Nemophila is struggling along and the Delphinium is shooting up at a watch-it-grow pace. I'm pretty stoked about the Delphinium because A) it is supposed to have totally jawesome stalks of purple flowers come late spring, and B) How can you not like a plant whose common name is "Black Knight"? Among old herbal lore about this plant is that it will keep witches out of your barn. I told this to RobertaX, who asked if the lore said anything about it keeping Democrats out of the garage. The Scotch Moss we planted next to the front steps is hanging in there, although looking a little brown in some spots, and the Catnip is still unsprouted.

In the back yard, the dill and chives are coming in strong. Two out of three garlic bulbs have sprouted shoots, although some Mediterranean-flavored tree rat seems to have nibbled on one of them. Also, a few scattered scallions are poking up out of the dirt in their patch. I feel positively horticultural.


  1. Now if it kept socialist azzoles out of the White House, it would have a veritable army of Johnny BlackKnightseeds propagating the plants...

  2. Green thumb after all?
    I expected as much!

  3. One of the things I love about my job is that I get to feel horticultural everyday.

    You know, besides keeping away witches (but alas, not Progressives) I seem to remember Delphinium was also supposed to ward of lightening, of all things, back in the day.

  4. "Green thumb after all?
    I expected as much!

    Do you know how hard it is to stop calling them all "hygrangeums" after a lifetime's habit? ;)

  5. Give cooking with your own veggies and herbs a go.

    It's completely worth the hassle of growing them, and the flavor is far better when you pull a pepper off of the vine and immediately cut it up and put it on the pan/plate/oven, whatever.

  6. Nemophilia? Is that an all-consuming lust for fictional submarine captains?

  7. wait - you planted the catnip in the ground?

    Your place will become very popular with the feral feline population and soon be referred to as "The Cat House"

  8. We have catnip growing wild all over the place at our house.

    It's like a kitteh version of Woodstock every time I mow the lawn.


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