Sunday, May 11, 2008

How can people be this dumb?

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are both fanning the old populist class warfare flames by talking about taxing the eeeevil oil companies.

Now, granted, it's been a long time since either of them worked for an organization that couldn't literally print money at will, so they may have forgotten a salient fact of the business world, which is that a corporation gets its money from... where? Class? Anyone? Its customers, that's right.

So if they want a bajillion dollars in taxes from the eeeevil oil companies, then those eeeevil oil companies are going to have to get the money from where? Anyone? Bueller? That's right, the idiots voting for Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. And me. And you.

Morons, the lot of 'em.


  1. silly you, the tweedles have a plan for that, too...

    can you say price controls?


  2. I'm no economist-but, with the help of Walter E. Williams I have come to see that corporations are basically a tax pass-through, although at each level as tax flows upstream, incidental tax related expenses accumulate and flow downstream (just like they always said). So pretty much everything we buy already has a lot of tax built into it even before the final insult of sales tax. Since the .gov mostly contracts with outside corporations for its goods and services, the .gov partakes partly in the nature of a tax pass-through, but one with enormous overhead.
    And the band played on.

  3. No surprise to me. Anyone who buys anything any liberal says will believe just about anything.

  4. "Morons, the lot of 'em."

    Tell it like it is, sister!

  5. It's frightening, I work with people who believe this. The rich should pay more taxes because they're rich. Oil companies don't have the right to make a profit (never mind the government gets a lion's share of that profit.)

    Price controls? Who was it that tried that? Did it work then?

  6. Ahh Price controls and windfall profits taxes. Music to the oil industy's ears. Maybe this time management will wise up and move the headquarters out of the US to somewhere else.

    The joke at the office is that all of us SuperGiant oil companies should go to like Bahamas and buy a few islands for our headquarters and create whole new countries. At least that way congress could not tax our foreign profits.

  7. "Price controls? Who was it that tried that? Did it work then?"

    well, no, but then there's always rationing...

    we got a million of 'em..."

  8. We pay more for gasoline in part because the value of the dollar is dropping like a stone. That's what happens when one lives in a country where the money supply and debt grows faster than Tam's and RobertaX's lawn, delphiniums and herbs.

  9. And when the eeeeevil oil companies raise their prices, who will the bad guys be?

    Government gets more power, population becomes angrier at an independent industry, government demands and gets more power to "solve" the problem it created.

    Everybody wins!

  10. Look around you. Most people are zombies already - higher cortical function has either ceased or is in the process of shutting down. And, clearly, it's simply getting worse.

    You'll feel much better once you've given up hope.

  11. And after price controls comes......................................................................... Shortages

  12. Many people are purpose built robots anymore. In any one subject they may be brilliant, but outside of that subject they're completely at sea.

  13. Guess what? German politicians are just as dumb!
    People are complaining about fuel prices (diesel and regular gas are around $8-8.50 per gallon, 3/4 of which are taxes of one kind or the other) and all politician have to offer is "tax the profits of oil companies to relief low income levels".

  14. More than 90 percent of "Big Oil" is owned by us through stakes in pension plans, individual retirement accounts, mutual funds and other individual investments.

    To "Progressives", anyone who doesn't plan subsisting on anything other than "Social Security" in old age are members of the "greedy few".


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