Friday, May 16, 2008

It's always sad when a streak ends.

I've been a big girl doing my own laundry for more years than I care to name in public, and this is actually the first time I've ever had a sock fall into the wormhole.

Sigh. I liked that sock, too.


  1. We think it is a Tesla time machine - sock missing on Monday's wash in drier, found in Friday's load of another color. Oh, what stories it could tell.

  2. I found a few sock critters in the base of mine when it was time to replace the drum belt.

  3. Tam, now we know youre Not Like The Rest of Us.
    I've lost enough socks in the last 25 years to outfit a platoon of centipedes. Centipedes with terrible color-coordinating skills, but centipedes all the same.

  4. My socks don't get lost; they mutate. I could start with ten pairs of socks, and within a month I would have 20 non-matching socks.

  5. Ask the cats. Mine hides stray socks occasionally.

    (Ran off in an attempt to find a reference to Terry Pratchett's sock monster, but no luck.)

  6. Check your bra.

  7. Ouch. That was rough, Og.

    The laundry is a time machine, I’m guessing.
    Strange a it may seem, I FOUND an extra sock in the dryer today.

    If’n it was a gray sock w/black on top lemmeno & I’ll ship it back to ya…

  8. The worms will like it too, Tam. The works will like it too.

  9. You'll probably find the poor guy on the side of your local municipal roadway...

  10. It's on the roof, where you took off the rest of your clothes.

  11. ... this is actually the first time I've ever had a sock fall into the wormhole.


    Strange a it may seem, I FOUND an extra sock in the dryer today.


    Not strange at all. How do you think the New York Sock Exchange got started?

  12. Are you sure it fell into the wormhole? Sometime when I get a new handgun and don't have a holster for it yet, I put it in a sock in the safe so it doesn't get banged up.

    Once I get the proper holster for the gun, the sock goes back in the sock drawer.

    Did you possibly use the sock to protect one of your favorite toys and forget about it?

    I know for me, early Alzheimer's is always a concern. I'm not sure of your age so I don't know if that could be an issue.

    You look younger than you sound. People always take me for a lot younger than I am. That memory loss seems to start sneaking in at about the 40 mark and progressively gets worse by the decade.


  13. "Ouch. That was rough, Og."

    Whoa, totally not meant to be. I'm just saying, the type of material a bra is made of seems to attract socks- at least in Chez Og. And what more comfy place? More than once I've watched the Ogwife get dressed and seen a wolly little tuft peeking out from under her cup.

    No snarkiness intended, sorry.

  14. One of my favorite "Far Side" cartoons is the alien mother unloading the dryer, holding up a sock, and saying "Where DO these things come from?"

  15. I've lost most of a new bag of socks to the lost sock dimension. The idea of storing a gun in one would be terrifying if I thought it was going to get laundered.

    Hey, somebody ought to try that with a Hi-Point!

  16. The Pratchett book is "Hogfather". [This is what I get for being off-line for 10 days.]


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