Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's a funny old internet.

I'm Tamara K., and I approve this blog.

I didn't do it.

But I wish I did. :-D


  1. I think you should steal his photo.

  2. Wow! A politician that admits a mistake- cool.

  3. I could'nt leave a message on his page, what I wanted to say was,"Being clueless doesn't recommend him much more than being a thief does".

  4. Well.... He's on the FRONT porch...

  5. Not too shabby, to be second in line behind the Instapundit.

    Of course, you aren't in Knoxville anymore...

  6. I could'nt leave a message on his page, what I wanted to say was,"Being clueless doesn't recommend him much more than being a thief does".

    Anonymous, look at that link very carefully. Note Padgett's plans for transportation to Washington.
    Also remember that this is the link to the site Padgett actually put together:

    See the difference?

    I love it.

  7. Kurt, you give him too much credit. Look at the URL.

  8. He sounds like a Democrat, although I didn't see a party affiliation anywhere. This is my comment on his ~inspired~ plan to make gasoline cheaper by punishing the providers:
    Tell Us What's Important
    ???Just a word to the financially naive-corporations don't pay taxes. Sure, they cut the checks, but then where to they get the bank balance? They turn it in on one side and collect it on the other side. Who really pays? Look out any window. Do you really think nobody knows this?
    Word verification- glewypfj -I guess I deserved that. Should I expect visitors now?

  9. "That man running errands in Centerville told me he would vote for me “if you’re an old Southern Democrat.”

    If he and other Tennessee voters will stand with me, I will indeed be the kind of old-school Democrat he was talking about: a champion of those who need one most – working-class Americans…"


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