Sunday, May 11, 2008

Just give your attacker what he wants...

...and maybe instead of shooting you in the face, he'll just shoot you in the belly.


  1. Give him what he wants, or what he's asking for.....

  2. It's quite simple.
    When will people figure it out?

  3. Off topic... but I know you like steampunk.

    Here is a mouse to go with the monitor and keyboard you had lusted after the past.

  4. "Giv your attacker what he wants...."

    Well what if he wants my daughter? I'm supposed to say, "Sure, here ya go!"

    He wants something I'm not inclined to give, and threatens violence to induce me to give it to him, I'll let him have it, all right......... A minimum of 230 grains of it.

  5. How utterly, mind-shiveringly stupid this philosophy is.

    Once they've got what they want, you're just an emptry candy wrapper, to do with as they will.

    Give them nothing. Or give them a nice selection of leaky holes, if you're not feeling generous.

  6. Another instance in Overland, Missouri. Police say the gas station clerk did everything right..

    Fortunately, the gun jammed before the robber could do a head shot after the initial reward for cooperation.


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