Saturday, May 03, 2008

Let Daniel be called, and he will declare the interpretation.

What does it mean when you dream about Hillary Clinton delivering a speech to an assembly in a high school gymnasium, except the assembly is all a bunch of dinosaur-looking aliens? You know, the kind with velociraptor heads. Oh yeah, and Hillary is wearing Col. Wilma Deering's stylin' lamé jumpsuit from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

I'm thinking it's a prophecy regarding eating steak fajitas liberally drizzled with smoked chipotle sauce too close to bedtime, but I could be wrong.


  1. I think it means you should be writing the scripts for either low-budget horror movies (like Evil Dead: Army of Darkness) or spoofs (like Mars Attacks).

  2. Be sure you're packing, bad things happen to people who channel the truth about Hillary.

  3. There is no truth about Hillary. It's only a story. Only a stooooryy...

  4. I think it means you are about to get a writing job offer from Obama.

  5. "Hillary is wearing Col. Wilma Deering's stylin' lamé jumpsuit "

    GAH! Not cool.

    Pass the eye bleach please.


  6. The prospect of dreaming of HRC in spandex... I may never sleep again...

  7. Joe, I'd appreciate it if you'd pass me the eye bleach when you're done.


  8. Yeah, thanks for ruining the jumpsuit for us. I'll have to list the one I bought for my wife for our anniversary on eBay.

  9. "Yeah, thanks for ruining the jumpsuit for us."

    Screw that, thanks for ruining my memories of Wilma Deering wearing that suit. If I get a vision of The Hilldabeast next time the phrase "Off Think! Off Think!" crosses my mind, I'm hunting Tam down like a dog. :P

  10. Once, during the time period that Hillary's husband was still active in the Oval Office, I had a dream that I was in a High School as a student, though past High School age and not at my own old High School, and everyone there was enslaved by aliens who ran the place as if it were a concentration camp. Everyone just did what they were told because... well, the aliens had uniforms. You obey the dudes in charge. And I had to crawl through an air duct, swing down from a pipe, and push the aliens into a boiling vat in the laundry facility.

    So maybe it means there's something about the Clintons that makes people dream of aliens and High Schools. I wish I'd gotten dinosaurs in mine. And I'm glad it was just a dream, because my butt is too wide and I lack the upper-body strength to do that stuff for real.

  11. Could be hazardous ... As I remembered, Wilma Dearing was stripped by dwarves during one episode.

    That should help your google search insanity a bit.

  12. Thanks for ruining dwarves for me.

    Where's that eye bleach?


  13. I had it so bad in my 7 year-old pants for Col. Deering.

    But usually she wore a tight white jumpsuit. The gold lamé camel-toe special was not her normal uniform.

    I'm sorry.
    What were we talking about, again?

  14. Perhaps it was a desperate subconscious attempt to make her campaign interesting and meaningful…

  15. I've been to one of her rallies, it sounds as though you just attended in your sleep.

  16. Velociraptors frequently appear in my dreams. Generally, they are chasing me-as-a-kid around a the field of my old elementary school.

    I can only conclude that velociraptors are the natural enemies of humans.

  17. I wouldn't worry. The room full of dinosaurs is understandable. You have been reading the latest Dilbert cartoons about a company merging with dinosaur aliens that eat humans.

    And Hillary toadying up to true monsters is just projection. She really isn't any more horrible than say, Hannibal Lector or Jeffrey Daumer, or even Richard Nixon.

    Besides, one interpretation is that everyone in your dream is really you. In shiny lamee, pulling a Hillary to buy off hostile forces. Taking control, center stage, and shining like your husband isn't creeping around in the closet .. oh, that wasn't in your dream, was it? Sorry.

    Tonight, don't read the papers just before turning in. Read, oh, Robyn McKinley's 'Beauty'. Young adult, great retelling of an old classic tale. Sweet dreams!

  18. Tam, maybe it was just the late dinner. On the other hand, watch yourself, you might be in bat country. Or too much of time traveling dino stories plus the late dinner.

    Roberta, you kill me, you really do. Not sure which is better, the V reference or the dwarf comment.

    Matt, ditto. Except I must be a year or two older and especially the re-runs during those formative junior high years.

    'Far beyond the world I've known,
    Far beyond my time.
    What am I?
    Who am I?
    What will I be?
    Where am I going?
    And what will I see?'

    -Erin Gray in one of those really cool late seventies futuristic tight fitting space outfits if all goes well when Ranger 3 makes it home not in 5 months but in 500 years.
    (For the love of Pete, no Hillary in that outfit. The very thought gives me the willies.)

  19. At least it's not her husband in the shiny outfit.

    Wait, let me use the eye bleach first..

  20. I knew it! Someone better start working on red dust before we're all in it up to our elbows.

  21. High school is a time of preparation.

    School assembly is an imposition by authority. The school imposes a common experience - in this case, Hillary represents left wing social programming. The left wing approach is to pervert schools to impose the radical government agenda onto young minds. As Hitler said, "Give me your children, and I will take your country." Children in school are more likely to believe that they are being taught truth, and will continue to parrot that version of truth as they grow.

    The aliens in the audience represents a resentment that anyone accepts something you don't believe is true. This might be almost anything Hillary says. The vicious nature of the aliens - the velociraptor appearance - is a fear that the masses, the public, the general citizenry of th US - is accepting the manipulative and deceptive agenda that Hillary represents.

    The lame material of Hillary's jump suit is a further expression of your disdain of her slick and glitzy presentation of horridly distasteful and dangerous drivel.

    You are appalled that so many people seem to support Hillary and the lies she is selling. The spicy food set off your hormones, leaving you more susceptible to expressing your emotional fears, as your body reacts to the physical distress of the late night food torments.

    But what do I know?


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