Thursday, May 01, 2008

Like a cycle, only viciouser.

Boy, I get all in a poopy mood, and my output tanks. And that makes me feel poopier, which causes my output to decline further, which...


Maybe I can make myself happier by digging through the last two month's worth of emails and figuring out who I've stiffed on responses and apologize profusely to them. Yeah, that should cheer me right the hell up.


  1. Yes- but who knows how you might emerge following the experience?

    I predict that you will have a much larger penis and breasts, have lost weight without diet or exercise, and live in an immense house bought on a record low mortgage. The medicine cabinet will be full of oxycontin and viagra bought on line, and paid for with millions from Nigeria.

    Plus your sides will hurt from all the FUNNY! forwards.

    I have a thousand emails to go through and clean up, so much empathy. I read and store mine though.

  2. Yeah, we used to live in the same damn city, remember?

  3. Blogrolling me will waken your muse and improve your general well being.

    Trust me....

  4. You'll feel better on Monday. You'll wake up, the day after meeting me, and say "At least I'm not THAT asshole!" and your outlook will improve 33,584%

    You're welcome. It's all part of the service.

  5. Does the knowledge that I moved more recently than you help at all?.....finished last night about 1am, unpacking will continue until the next move....AAARRGGHHH I hate moving.....ok done now.


  6. Get to the range and shoot some groups.

  7. Which groups??

  8. "BASF: we don't make the cycle, we make the cycle vicious"

    How big an engine do they put in those, y'think?

  9. Tam;

    Agree with Og. You'll feel better Monday (if not before), realizing how sterling an individual you are compared to all those other asses.

    You'll see.


  10. "Get to the range and shoot some groups."

    Unfortunately, this is the very lean end of my fiscal month. Shooting will have to wait 'til later in May.


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