Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mmmmm, fashion! Fa-fa-fa-fa-fashion! I think.

Apparently there is some dude named Thom Browne who is a fashion designer. Mr. Browne is on a one man crusade to see that PeeWee Herman becomes the next fashion role model for the American male.

I'm underwhelmed.

(Although it's about time that some really awful sartorial crap was inflicted on guys. Their clothes have been too stable since the disappearance of skinny ties twenty years ago.)


  1. Hrmm.

    Tom Ford Man stepped right out of 1968, didn't he?

  2. I am as big a Pee-Wee Herman fan as you will find in the gun community.

    I took a date to his live "Playhouse" show at Georgetown University in 1983, for chrissakes!
    But this is going too far!

    As Pee-Wee himself would say,"Fashion? Fa-SHUN, you mean."

  3. I think Tom Ford man is groovy, baby. :)

  4. I notice Mr. Browne is not wearing this "look" on his OWN body.

  5. Stable Fashion>

    Aside from the sartorial horror show that is "corporate casual", you mean.

  6. I'm about as likely to wear something of that ilk as I am to sport a bad toupee and a pink tutu...

  7. Good grief, the future looks bleak!
    We have to deal with socialists trying to take over our country and now these guys are gonna try to tell us how we should dress? I guess that's one way to accelerate the revolution.

  8. Am I correct in supposing we'll next have Mr. Reubens' Catalina Tiger Shark -era mugshot to look forward to on haute couture runways? Loved the devil-beard.

    Did Captain Kangaroo ever get a wink and a nod from the Paris runways?

    I love PeeWee Herman, actually. I'm thinking I've got to get out of Dallas before the trustafarians start running around all got-up like him. *sigh*

  9. Wait...skinny ties are out?

  10. Men's fashion has sucked pretty much continuously since the 1940s, ever since the Nazis ruined by association the only good clothes that were designed for men in the last century.

    Yes, I realize that comparatively, it's a rather minor crime, but it's still true.

  11. caption says his designs "evoke the hipness of eternal adolescence"

    Kind of sums up the society's liberal mindset, now doesn't it?

  12. I work for a living. I wear the uniform of the employed: Denim. And a belt that prevents said denim from exposing my overlarge hindquarters.

  13. When skinny ties were outlawed, only outlaws wore skinny ties....

    And the apogee of American male business fashion was the 1950's baggy suit, designed to allow one to be comfortable while sitting or standing. Think of the Clark Kent suit from the old black and white TV era Superman....

    The pants had roomy seats, legs, and waist. The jacket had roomy shoulders and sleeves.

    As for the tie, a nice Hawaiian pring seemed most suitable....

  14. Yikes. Someone was doing a lot of drugs when they came up with that collection of "clothing".


    Shame men's fashions just suck and you can't even find the classic "G-Man" suits anymore.

    Well, women's fashion isn't any better off, either.

  15. I note the article didn't display the plaid clown suit Brooks Brothers is now selling under his name. Slapping that hideous thing up would be succinct than the article.

  16. Anybody who spells and attributes the/their name Tom with an "H" is sure as hell gay - not that there's anything wrong with that. The Thom-guy's studiously sullen look includes a faux 5-o'clocker - he's over made-up and has the wrong coat button going-on, suggestive of revealing what's beneath instead of what's above. The design of the front of mens' suits, the V-cut where the lapels come together, is meant to suggest an increased height and broader chest - not a narrow chested weenie with a pant-load of salami.
    Ford's doing it right, Browne needs to go back to his Skool Daze.

  17. "Apparently there is some dude named Thom Browne who is a fashion designer. Mr. Browne is on a one man crusade to see that PeeWee Herman becomes the next fashion role model for the American male."

    "Mommmm! Come on! All the guys at the dance are going to be wearing Wanker Chic!"

  18. Mikee,
    I always thought that the 50's loose suit was designed to allow the carry of a full sized gat, with backup.


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