Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pushing frontiers.

The GoogleHealth concept is out-of-left-field enough that I never saw it coming. The Googletron keeps thinking up new uses for the intarw3bz that not even science fiction authors predicted. What's next? "GoogleYou: Hire a bum to be steered around GoogleEarth doing your bidding!"

Of course, they want to store your health records for you, they've already taken pictures of your house, they know what your favorite kind of porn is... An evil Google would make the Ministry of Love in 1984 look like Helen Keller in a nun's habit.


  1. So, you've already registered your paypal account at


  2. Hey, PayPal just wants to hold your cash for five minutes. Worst case scenario, they rob you blind.

    Evil Google could potentially sell the data on your healthy kidneys to some nice guys from some Santeria cult and provide them with photos of your house to go along with the info...

  3. Apparently their corporate motto is now

    "Don't be evil*"

    *void where prohibited by law or where it conflicts with the financial interests of our stockholders

    Here's a recent example.


  4. Yeah, Google's wandered over into crazy ex in the bushes territory. "I know all your secrets....allllllll of them. I use them against you...do you hear me?! I'll bring you down! You'll love me again...oh, you'll love me again."

  5. Tell the Chinese all about "Don't be evil". And then Grabble refuses to give our gov't STATISTICS regarding kiddie porn searches...

  6. I have to admit that Google is a librarian's best friend, even if it is a little Skynet-scary.

  7. Stopped using Google 3 or 4 years ago ... they seem to represent the left side of life more than I care to associate with. With them wandering into big brother territory I'll keep a safe distance away thank you very much.

  8. The catering staff must be putting hallucinogens into the catered lunches I see delivered to their offices upstairs every day.

    Think I'm kidding about the catered lunches, doncha...

    Not surprised that they'd be associated with the left side of life. Their main office is in Mountain View and they got a fair number of folks in suburban Seattle too.

    Everyone at the local office always seems to be wearing either hemp clothes, skater clothes, or beach clothes to work.

  9. And don't forget the valet parking.


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