Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today In History: Grooving with a Pict.

On this date in 685, the army of King Ecgfrith of Northumbria got itself lured into the swamps of Dunnichen and shot up by the Picts under Bridei III, with Ecgfrith himself getting killed in the process. This pretty much destroyed Northumbria as an effective fighting force which was, in the turmoil of Dark Ages Britain, something of a handicap in the foreign policy field.


  1. Because other bands have ignored the Picts.

  2. Damn It. Now I have to wait until I get home and Listen to Grantchester Meadows first. . .only nine more hours to go. . .

  3. That's a brave post title. I think it opens you up to litigation from Roger Waters, doesn't it?

  4. Given the volume of lyrics Floyd put out over the years plus the infinite monkey factor, what post title doesn't?

  5. Who'd a thunk it? You of all people? A Pink Floyd fan ???

    Wonders never cease.



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