Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Apparently Capt. Obvious was promoted.

Retired Lt. Gen. Honoré managed to fill not only air time, but bandwidth, explaining that disasters can happen at any time, tragedy "can result if we fail to prepare", and "each of us has a personal responsibility to be ready".

I guess maybe this is news for some people. Maybe some people thought it was the government's job to prepare for disaster, and that the government would take care of them when disaster struck. Maybe some people believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, too.

Look, when the dead have risen and are staggering through the streets in search of human brains, the government is not going to be there to help you. The only representatives of the government you will see during the Zombocalypse will be soldiers, who will try to kill you, and guys in lab coats or hermetically sealed bunny suits who will try to use you for hideous experiments in a misguided attempt to find a cure.

As Gen. Obvious said, come the big disaster, surviving it is your responsibility. Yours, your family's, and your community's. Not the government's. It'll probably be the government that accidentally releases the brain-eating zombie virus in the first place.


  1. Merle Duffy wants you to be "READY FOR 'EM AT ALL TIMES!"

  2. Well, as The General said, "Don't get stuck on Stupid!"

  3. Judging from statements hea'd on Teevee, some folks in the BigEezy dawn thair gettin' e-victed from their chloro-fluro KatrinaKampers have come to the conclusion that it's The City/County/State/Gubb'mint's responsibility to take care of them. I hoid it.

  4. I think General Honore may have a somewhat greater proclivity to focus on what you consider obvious due to his experience helping clean up New Orleans after the horrendous mess created by the fucking, criminally incompetent asshole Mayor Nagin the drooling retards reelected. In his experience, government is the problem and people who expect it to fix stuff are incapable of dealing with reality.

  5. Tam,
    Accidentally release...???

    Past history suggests that such a release will be anything but accidental.

    I'm just sayin'

  6. Yeah, gregg, and further I doubt the government will be responsible. The various fine documentary films produced on the topic make quite plain that it will be a corporation that releases the virus.

    Apparently every major corporation in the US is striving to find the "magic bullet" that will destroy all consumers. Doesn't make sense to me, but we've all seen it on screen.

  7. Steve,

    The drooling idiots responsible have been dead for centuries. Thanks to our stupid open primary system, it ended up being a run-off between Ray Nagin & Mitch Landrieu, instead of Landrieu vs. Forman or Couhig. Imagine having to pick between Hillary (Nagin) and Obama (Landrieu) for President.

  8. LTG Honoré is not one who pulls punches. Unlike so many people in and out of government he "calls an ugly baby ugly" (I once saw him tell a room full of government contractors that they were "fielding pieces of shit that would get soldiers killed"), and if what he's saying sounds like simple, common sense advice, that's because it is. Then again, McDonalds thought that steaming hot coffee didn't need a warning label...

  9. General honore is the man.

    He's the one who called the press "stuck on stupid."


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