Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Because great minds think alike...

Squeaky, of intarw3bz podcast fame, is putting together a meetup for bloggers and readers in the Memphis, TN area.

I have met a hojillion folks from the online shooting community out in real life and have yet to walk away from a get-together thinking "What a jerk!"

You should go to her shindig. It will be fun.


  1. Thanks for the link - I was beginning to wonder if anyone had seen that entry, or if it had disappeared into that weird in-between that some of my posts end up - I swear I've written them, but then, after a while, I can't find them. Very strange.

    Too bad you're not close - having you come would definitely be a draw! Haha.

  2. I tried one here in the Northeast about 3 years ago.

    Might be time to try again - maybe I can use Marko's star power to get more bloggers interested... Hmmm...

  3. I don't know about that, but some barbeque and Whitey Johnson's 'Memphis Women and Chicken' sounds like a solid plan...

  4. squeaky--

    Keep us advised; Memphis is local for me.

  5. rinkn8or - I hope you're subscribed to these comments, and are still interested in coming. The meetup is next Saturday, July 19, at East End Grill's Bartlett location on 64, at 2pm. RSVP at my blog (linked in Tam's post here), and I'll add you to the list of attendees. :-)

  6. i kin spel gud. Sorry, rickn8or. :-P


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