Saturday, June 14, 2008

Been there, suffered that.

The worst thing about shooting by yourself is that you never get to do it for long...

(H/T to reader John.)


  1. Heh.

    The Shooting Range - Singles bar of the 21st century.

  2. Beavis and Butthead: "Tazer ... Tazer ... use the Tazer!"

  3. The one right before it is pretty good too. I think I linked those to you a while back, but it might have been someone else.


  4. I am always astounded at how much unsolicited advice my wife gets at the range - usually from guys she has been outshooting to what you'd think would be a humiliating and silencing degree. For whatever reason, a woman on the range seems to act as a magnet for idiots.

  5. I never offer advice to anyone at the range. I DO realize they're holding a gun.

  6. Hmm, if you get really older than dirt, snarl or pretend you just don't hear well you could be as lonely as I am at the range. Just me my firearms, ammunition and the perforated paper targets - no lovely things in space boots, strapless high heels and tube tops looking to teach me a thing or two. If you were shooting near me I would watch you shoot some, look at your target and maybe smile at how well you do it - I don't remember talking to any female save my sister or my wife at a range - unless I were teaching marksmanship with pistol or rifle. Yep, you would be as solo a shooter as I am were we close - either I got smarter or hormon drive drove off and left me... I got so much smarter, I don't even give men my opinion any longer, just look on and nod my head knowingly...


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