Friday, June 13, 2008

The Country Formerly Known As Great Britain.

Lose the gun. And the hat.

John Bull can't wear his bowler anymore while taking a pint in Yorkshire. (H/T to Unc.)


  1. That's surreal...While you are at it, lose the stogie too, no smoking in "public" buildings. Hell, just lose all the clothes and walk around naked , unarmed and numbered while you're at it...

  2. As much as I think Scottish independence is a stupid idea, maybe they should get out while they still can.

    Also, off-topic: the "No Thanks, Keep the Change" stickers came today, so at least a few are in the wild!

  3. Every time a government has disarmed its citizens, dictatorship has followed.

    We are seeing the fall of a government, and the early stages of a dictatorship.

  4. Hokiepundit,

    Actually, I think that's very on-topic...


    And it won't even be the fun kind of dictatorship, with snappy uniforms and battleships, just some sad nerf-fascist state.

  5. So will the classic movie about state control of the individual, "A Clockwork Orange," have all the bowlers digitally removed? I won't even ask about the penis mask---

    There is no 4th amendment protection against unreasonable searches, and the right to be secure in one's person, in Britian, is there?

  6. "Hell, just lose all the clothes and walk around naked , unarmed and numbered while you're at it..."

    Kinda makes UK subjects sound like cattle....or sheep. Either way they're livestock.

  7. Britain surrendered its independence and authority to the EU and is about to be punished for 500 years of self rule by having the lights turned out.
    17 major British power stations are being forced to close according to an EU anti-pollution law called the "Large Combustion Plants Directive."
    To meet peak demand they need a minimum 56 GigaWatts. Ten GWs come from Nuke power plants that are reaching the end of their useful working life and will be shut down, and in addition they have to shut down nine more major power stations: six coal-fired, three oil-fired that provide 13GW.
    They're gonna be about 40% short on power.

  8. That photo of Churchill has always bugged me.

    You can't insert a drum into a 1928 Thompson without pulling the bolt back. If you notice, he's holding it partly in the grooves, but it's not seated. It's off-center, to his left (our right). As much as I love all things Churchill, this was a prop for a photo.

  9. I'm ashamed to be British. This is not the country I grew up in. And Scotland is, if anything, more rabidly anti-liberty than England if you can imagine that.

  10. It's not my Grandpa's country either Johnny, don't feel bad on your own account - the Island folk got hoodwinked by the Continental squids.
    Every time they try to collectivize the various belligerents under one Euro-flag; from the Thirty Years War to Napoleon, to Bismark to Stalin and Hitler, the Brits stopped 'em - so they had it in for you guys.

  11. "With pensioners, by the time they sit down their hats always come off anyway because they were brought up with manners so usually take their hats off indoors."

    And the Scotch ARE worse.


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