Friday, June 06, 2008

Eaten lunch yet?

If not, unpack the brown paper sack on your desk (or drag your laptop to Panera Bread) and read Kevin's essay on the Edjumacation Conspiracy while you nosh. It's one of his long 'uns, but it's really worth it.

Planting tomorrow's Soylent Green crop, indeed...


  1. Thanks for the link!

    (At least SayUncle didn't comment on the length this time!) ;-)

  2. Read it & sent it to my girlfriend. Now if we could just raise a generation that could read it in 20 years...
    I'm so glad I never reproduced & never will. We are doomed. Oh, well, I've only got another 35 years or so, by the actuarial tables (less if trucks keep doing close-proximity lefties).
    And congrats on the 1-Meg mark!

  3. He mentioned the 2 minute Hate in kindergarten, but there are also now attempts to introduce Cultural Revolution style struggle sessions to the same age group.

  4. "I'm so glad I never reproduced & never will."

    I told my father right in front of the woman who wanted to have my kids, back in '91: "Forget it. It's just never going to happen. I'd be in a shooting-war with the state over the kids, and you both know it, so just get off it."

    I've alway known what I was doing.


    It's all obvious to me, Kevin, and has been for a long time, but that was a pretty good bit. Well done.

  5. Kisnevi, the "Two Minute Hates" reference linked to a piece on the topic you linked to, plus another very similar one.

    Billy: Thanks.

  6. Oh lord, that man can write!


  7. Oh lord, that man can write!

    (*sigh*) ANOTHER commentary on the length!


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