Thursday, June 12, 2008

It is a vicious, baseless slur... claim that Barack *redacted* Obama was heard to shout "Allahu Akhbar!" when he pushed that iceberg into the path of the Titanic.

The truth is that nobody's really sure what he said as he gave the 'berg a nudge.


  1. Rev. Wright's claims notwithstanding, Barack actually invented HIV as an assault on Republicans, but it went wrong.

    Other little known facts: he started the Chicago fire, he was on the grassy knoll in Dealy Plaza, and he was responsible for New Coke.

  2. this has got to be building to a knock at your cyberdoor by the cybernauts...hilarious.

    feds at the front door could be another matter...far deeper and more disturbing, and more than a little scary these days...

    and no doubt hilarious as well, but keep your head up and eyes and mind open as you help us do the same...while laughing.


    word ver: yxxhzzbr...that's gotta be some kinda code right there...

  3. The murder of Germanicus? Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso was just the fall guy. But they can't actually prove it was really Obama. On the other hand, nobody has proven that it wasn't.

    I'm working on some even more obscure connections to Obama. Well, they'd be obscure at most other blogs anyway.

  4. I thought he said, "Abra-Cadabra" because you know he's all mystical-magical!


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