Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the web...

After a one week long sewage-in-the-basement-related hiatus, my Low End Mac column is back. From now on, I'm going to keep an extra column or two ahead. That way if, say, my noggin falls off or something, they've got two weeks to reattach it before I have to worry about missing a deadline...


  1. You have no idea.... I'm pleased as punch that those old warhorses are getting some, *any* use.

    Oh, and look what I found:

    Did that back in '99 for Satan.. I mean, the tech support group I worked for, covering Bellsouth DSL. Wrote that up with that old 520, IIRC.4

  2. You were a serf at ClientLogic?

  3. No way! I only made it through basic training before realizing that I had no desire to be thirty-something years old and working in a place where I damn near had to raise my hand to go potty...

  4. I lasted 8 months in that hellhole.

    The breaking point was during a day when us in the "installer help desk", already a step above the rest of the floor, were taking written tests to see who's best to move up to supervisory spots. As usual, floor techs would roll up to us and ask questions, we'd answer, they'd go on about their merry way.

    Turns out one guy coming back was asking questions on the test, and getting answers. He was picked for promotion. Yeah, when it all came out there was a bunch of hemming and hawing, but I'd about had it anyways, and the next day...

    ...I came in, sat at my desk, and refused to log onto the phone, whilst retrieving logs and files and such from the desktop. Security escorted me out, and I actually yelled "Freedom!" as I left.

    Yeah, I was a bit of an unhinged dork. Now I'm a hinged geek :)

  5. Hey, I'm famous! I got mentioned in one of Tam's articles on Low End Mac!



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