Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Notes from The Resistance...

Signs that you might be behind enemy lines in California...

Makes me kinda happy to be in the place that famous gun board poster El Tejon calls "American-occupied America", actually.


  1. Please, invade and liberate California, please! It'll be easy to spot the insurgents, they're rich and drive Priuses and smell like patchouli.

  2. Uh huh. Hmm.

    I just got home from two days of armorer's class and full auto shooting. Still living in Carolina, not California.

  3. What is a foe gun?

  4. The factory box for my Springfield XD sits on the top shelf of my closet, and I always get a somewhat rueful chuckle out of the big, white sticker informing me, "NOT LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA."

  5. Most of the blue counties are on the west side of the San Andreas fault, so when we have the big one and they fall in the Pacific, we'll have the beachfront property and what's left will be pretty much solid red.


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