Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One in four!?! Oh, ick!

Blogger starfuryzeta with info I could have lived without knowing.

Note to self: Avoid NYC like the... well, like the plague.


  1. Even more incredible is that HALF the black community in NYC is infected.

    How dare they say something mean about Blacks like that?! Racist!

  2. Condoms are pretty lousy at stopping herpes, contrary to what pubic skewl sexamal educayshun teaches. Lowers the risk, yes, but not prevent. So only one cylinder is loaded instead of three...

  3. What's more amazing to me is that the national rate is approaching one in five. Yikes!

    (Makes me very glad to be faithfully monogamous!)

  4. Actually, health department statistics show about half the black community everywhere is funkified, not just in NYC. There are practical reasons why white guys prefer not to date girls that have been with black guys that go beyond porn stereotypes, and the rising white female STD rate that's gone along with the rise of rap culture bares out that preference.

  5. Yeah, the nationwide rate isn't much lower...

    One of my good friends works as a safe-sex educator for teens, so I learn all sorts of fascinating things from her. Didja know you can get herpes in your eyes and chlamydia in your throat?

  6. Or that HPV can also cause throat cancer, the rates of which are on the rise?

  7. Well, you could visit the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, but don't get skin tight with the locals and you might make it out okay. How many gun shops and shooting ranges do you think are in that town, so why would we go there after the two landmarks?

  8. Just another reason to stay out of Noo Yawk.

    AND a pretty good argument for monogaminity.

  9. And folks wonder why I'm monogamous when I'm dating, and celibate when I'm not.

  10. Hello all. I just had to comment for the very first time, ever.

    Just to remind everyone, when Grandmama couldn't kiss the baby cuz she had a pesky cold sores...that IS HERPES. And that case of 'shingles' you had as a kid, yep HERPES.

    There are basically two common 'strains', HSVI and HSVII. One is generally considered 'oral' and the other one is thought of as 'South of the border'.

    Here's the ick-factor part. A person can get either strain in either place, or sometimes both in both. Or even all over the body. This happens sometimes to high-school and college wrestling participants.

    And oa is correct. Herpes virus is small enough to pass through the natural microscopic pores in latex comdoms.

    The national 'average' for "H-folks" has been 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 for decades.

    Now that I've ruined everyone's lunch, I'll quietly sneak out the door.

  11. earl,
    there are 2 gun shops and 3 shooting ranges in NYC that I know of. However, only 1 range/shop is public, and 1 other shop is public. That's in Manhattan proper. And believe me, you don't wanna try or buy at those prices.

    The shooting range scene in Taxi Driver was filmed at the public range (just off 5th ave, no less).

    Now, back to STD's.
    Ok, gross.


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