Friday, June 06, 2008

Planting tomorrow's Soylent Green crop.

When I first read it, I thought it was satire. Surely nobody could be such a walking, talking parody of an Ayn Rand villain...
Children should no longer be taught traditional subjects at school because they are "middle-class" creations, a Government adviser will claim today.

Professor John White, who contributed to a controversial shake-up of the secondary curriculum, believes lessons should instead cover a series of personal skills.

Pupils would no longer study history, geography and science but learn skills such as energy-saving and civic responsibility through projects and themes.
It apparently is true however. Oh well, the Morlocks will have to eat, too, I guess.


  1. We are the morlocks
    WE are the MORLOCKS
    NO time for Eloi
    Cuz We are the Morlocks

    of the world

    hey, I hear Long Pig is pretty good.

  2. there's always been the raising of sheep and cattle, some are bred for what they can do, and some for what they can provide; and the better if they provide it willingly at the sound of the siren...they self-generate and are much less complicated than the mechanical where's the harm? o, son...nothing's awry here! jtc

  3. The looters are no longer satisfied with stealing the fruits of humans' productivity (although they are busy at that too:

    they want to steal people's minds as well, ensuring that the ignorant will continue to elevate their own into positions of power. Too bad that Galt's Gulch needs an invisibility screen to work properly...

  4. Well, at least the US will get to make fun of British schooling for a change.

  5. Good grief, Dewey really was a not so latent totalitarian. "Dependency as power" is also considered a psychological problem area for those who exhibit it, aka the "passive-aggressive" - and the issue of "personal independence decrease(ing) the social capacity" is only of issue to those who value exploiting the "social capacity" for the "Greater Good" of The Collective. Liberal Fascism indeed.

  6. The political and social situation in the UK is beyond satire. Satire site articles are generally more factually accurate and more congruent with actual reality than MSM reports.

  7. With a nod to the late Charlton Heston, here it comes:

    Soylent Green is people!

  8. Hasn't this nonsense been American educational policy ever since The Cardinal Principles was published?

  9. shooting is a "personal skill" but somehow I think Mr. White would be opposed to school marksmanship classes.

    But hey, his new teaching approach is sure to create even more ignorant, mindless morons. Quite an accomplishment considering how many we already have.


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