Thursday, June 26, 2008

I love the smell of Heller in the morning. It smells like... victory.

Want to know what a mayor who's about to get smacked down in court sounds like? He sounds like this.

Feel that, you petty tyrant? That is the wind of change blowing in your face...

Squirm, Dick, squirm!

(H/T to Don Gwinn.)


  1. LOL, I thought of the 'victory' quote as well. What a wonderful result!

  2. Yes, watching Dick squirm in his shorts is the one of the few highlights, in what I can only otherwise call a pyrrhic victory.

  3. B&N,

    I dunno... The more I think about it, the happier I am with the outcome. It's better than I expected, actually, and it leaves a metric ton of crappy laws open to challenge.

  4. "Dick" got snipped and cut down to size. "Dick" was getting too big for his britches.

  5. He's a fool. There's no way this can be construed to apply to DC only, just because it's a "federal city". I guess Dickie boy never heard of DC home rule before. Why, they elect a mayor and a city council and everything!!!!

  6. ...and DC Metropolitan Police Chief Kathy Lanier announced from the podium today that "automatic and semiautomatic firearms will still not be legal to possess in the District of Columbia", as though she doesn't know the difference; perhaps she believes that it will now be legal for DC residents to own only revolvers?

  7. ""Does this lead to everyone having a gun in our society?" Daley asked while speaking at a Navy Pier event. "If they [the Supreme Court] think that's the answer, then they're greatly mistaken. Then why don't we do away with the court system and go back to the Old West, you have a gun and I have a gun, and we'll settle it in the streets if that's they're thinking.""

    - Dick Daley

    Dear Dick,

    A'hm yer huckleberry, and yer a Daisy if ya do.....

    - Doc

  8. It`s "For The Children™." How often does the poor (in several meanings of the word /snark) mayor have to enumerate how many kids find guns and accidentally shoot themselves or their friends? Maybe not as many times as it is pointed out to him that the number of such accidents is probably less than bathtub drownings?

  9. I thought Daley sounded like he was about to cry.
    Didn't his dad have a shady history???

  10. I almost drove the car into a ditch due to a schadenfreude induced laughing fit after hearing that slimy tin-pot dictator whine on the radio.

  11. It has been pointed out to me that, since his dad was also Richard, that technically makes the current Daley "Little Dick".

  12. Tam: Dick Sr was also a Junior.

    This makes him, as KdT is prone to pointing out, "Dick da Turd" in Chicaga parlance.

  13. I hear these people opposed to the Heller decision and I can't help but think of George Wallace, Orval Faubus, and Harry F. Byrd, Sr. following an earlier SCOTUS decision upholding civil rights.


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