Thursday, June 05, 2008

Surely he can't be that crazy...

So the talk now is all about whether or not Barry will take Hils on board as Veep.

You know, they say that the Vice President is only one heartbeat away from the Oval Office. You couldn't pay me enough money to be the heartbeat between Hils and that chair. I would wear a bulletproof vest in the shower, I would be the first president with food tasters. I would... I just wouldn't do it; I'd rather sleep in a bed full of rattlesnakes.


  1. Nonsense. As long as they keep a bowl full of crickets on her desk and the air conditioner cranked down low she won't be much trouble.

  2. You all should go and read
    (maggiesfarm)they have more on the issues that MSM ignores.Note to BHO
    dont plan on visiting Dallas!!!!!

  3. I'd rather sleep in a bed full of rattlesnakes.

    In that position, you probably would sleep in a bed full of rattlesnakes, some tired night.

  4. Comments like that will make some vote for McCain, just to give a good payback....I, a life long democrat will do that.

  5. Didn't she already backhandedly threaten him with assassination the other day?

  6. if the colonel has the good sense to place condi rice in his second chair, he will have not only stolen bo/hils thunder re black/female but will also have chosen, from all i have observed, someone extremely capable of taking over guidance of our ship of state when that last tickerbeat ticks...and with mccain, who knows how many ticks are left?

    but i think i would agree with you that even he stands a better chance of keeping the beat longer than bo in that little marriage of convenience with hill...jtc

  7. Tam... You took the words right out of my mouth.. I've been saying this ever since I heard someone suggest that Hillary would make a good VP.. JimB

  8. This is exactly the flaw of the U.S. system. We elect persons, and not party. Is it an Obama White House or is it a Democrat White House? We already saw Bush led the nation into the dump, and there is nothing we can do about it other than waiting for his 8 years to expire. That is just stupid. If a CEO is leading a company into the dump, we dump the CEO, but we are willing to sit in misery because of our stupid political system. The Brits are a lot smarter. With a vote of no confidence and there goes the Prime Minister. A nation should be able to move like that, especially with 300 million people's well-being at stake.
    That being said, can Obama (or the Democrat) say no to Clinton? If they say no, they are playing with fire, and they are not looking at the party's interest, but their own prejudice.
    This is the election math. Now Obama and McCain are running neck and neck. Clinton has 45% of Democrats support. Say Obama and McCain now have 100 votes each. When 10 Democrats jump the fence to vote for McCain because Clinton is not picked, the numbers are McCain 110 and Obama 90. That 10 votes turns into 20, that is 110-90=20. If Obama picks Clinton, people that don't like Clinton but like Obama will vote for Obama, and people that don't like Obama but like Clinton will also vote for Obama. It's that simple. When Clinton is not picked, Obama risks alienating that 45% of Democrats and risk the Democrat's chance of winning the White House. That would be the biggest mistake of the century, because Republicons will have picked the entire Supreme Court justices during the next 8 years.

  9. I'll see your bed of rattlesnakes and raise it to cobras. In Asia cobras are eaten as a delicacy, so that cover the food-thing too. ;-)

  10. Getting between the Clintons and power is as dangerous as getting between Jessie Jackson and a TV camera, or between Ted Kennedy and a liquor cabinet.

  11. Hillary should be the VP. Obama ran a very clever campaign by aggressively seeking to capture delegates from the Red States and secure his candidacy, but the truth is no Democrat will turn those states Blue in the general election. Hillary on the other hand, captured the popular vote by a small margin and won most all the Blue states and swing states. If he is interested in winning the election, he needs her. Of course this campaign has been driven by Obama's newly registered supporters and a bias media that have been less then rational in their speculation and appraisal. Hopefully, Obama's supporters will learn to be real Democrats before it is to late and support this idea.

  12. "I'll see your bed of rattlesnakes and raise it to cobras."

    I was going to use cobras, but rattlers are at least polite enough that they usually warn you first.

  13. Anon@11:20 AM

    We elect persons, and not party.

    This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when the incumbent of the White House is your C-in-C.

    In the UK, we elect a party and just look at the socialist hellhole the UK has become.

    Follow our lead at your peril.

  14. He does have to cooperate with Hillary because the financiers that have propped her and Bill up expect it.

    If I were to be in Hillary's crosshairs, I'd offer her an "important" duty such Feed-the-Children-after Natural-Disasters Czar. If the offer was made during a live appearance with Oprah, it would be difficult for Hillary to weasel out of it.

  15. Will he talk to Clinton about the VP slot? Yes. Should he give it to her? No. She comes with too much baggage, which is one of the reasons she lost. There are other, much more qualified possibilities. He will, however, need to offer Clinton something, either in his cabinet or a Supreme Court apppointment. Again, the question of qualification comes up. Presidents need to stop nominating anyone but our finest legal minds to the Court. A justiceship should not be a political plum.

    Like it or not, Clinton is a problem. No doubt, she will continue to be one.

  16. To the anonymous complaining about our system:

    Political parties are not a codified portion of our government. They are not mentioned ANYWHERE in the constitution, and are not regulated by the constitution as such. In fact, our very first president had some very nasty things to say about political parties, and warned against the formation of them (fat lot of good that did). In other words, they aren't a formal part of our government and they are private entities.

    In this country, we elect the person. The political party (s)he belongs to is a hanger-on that only has a vestigial relevance in that the person we are electing often (but not always) shares many goals and views of that party and abides by that party's rules and regulations when seeking office as a nominee of that party.

  17. oh, my GOD, anon...i had not yet thought of hrc as a supreme...thanks a lot.


  18. I think the idiot has a chance against McCain but I'd bet a dollar to a donut that if he allows Hillary to be his VP candidate he will surely lose.

    I don't think McCain is all that great either but he would definitely be the lesser of two evils.

    I can't believe the Libertarians have the gall to select a candidate like Bob Barr but I guess it won't matter much anyway. I've never seen a Libertarian get close to 1 percent of the popular vote.

    I believe in true Libertarianism as it was originally indoctrinated but that party (I'm sorry to say) is going down the tubes faster than Britney Spears.

    Obama and Hillary, hah! What a joke. I wonder if Obama would try and hit that. She's fugly but she looks better than Obama's wife.

    I wouldn't put it past the old Hildebeast to throw a little somethin', somethin' his way in order to secure the VP slot.

    All we can do is pray folks. It looks like were headed for another 8 years of bandemonium.

    Bejus wept,


  19. Last I checked the POTUS was elected for a term of 4 years, not 8. Did that get changed when I wasn't looking?

  20. If she can get herself to the position of President pro tempore of the Senate then she'd only be three heartbeats away...the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House would be well advised to no go on a fishing trip together!


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