Monday, June 30, 2008

"You're not really here for the huntin', are you?"

Maybe it's just me, but it sure does look like the DC city government likes getting stomped in courtrooms.
Must not suffer from a physical defect which would make it unsafe for you to possess and use a firearm safely and responsibly.


  1. If I weren't in law school I'd move up there and try to register my Mateba.

  2. They mean "be a Democrat".

  3. Most people who have problems using a firearm appropriately don't have physical issues, they have issues in the brain housing group.

  4. Speaking of which:
    Any semi-automatic firearm that can fire or could be made/restored to fire more than 12 rounds without being manually reloaded is illegal.
    The Mayor mentioned this last week as well. Where was the section of the opinion that, in his mind at least, justified making this statement?

  5. Wow, retarded Mobsters into taking it rough, in DC? Who'da thunk? New York's Sullivan Act was at the Mobs behest, and a made-man fixer pushed through Chicago's ban, and SF, well everybody knows what's up there -- the picture on DC becomes clearer.

  6. jt, DC seems to have more than one law about semi-autos. The one banning semi-auto handguns will probably be lost, along with the just-struck-down one banning all handguns (why two? Well, wait, there's more).

    The one the Mayor and Police twit are talking is the one banning machine guns. And yes, any semi-auto can have a magazine of more than 11 round capacity fitted, so "semi-auto" and "fully-auto" are, according to that law, the same thing.

  7. From the first comment at Unc's:

    Nomen Nescio Says:

    June 30th, 2008 at 2:29 pm
    Must not suffer from a physical defect which would make it unsafe for you to possess and use a firearm safely and responsibly.

    these doofi must have a getting-sued and losing-in-court fetish.

    ....."doofi"..... (snerk).....

    Well, why not (invite a legal a$$kicking? It ain't like it's THEIR money: it's OURS. Your tax dollars at "work"!

  8. How does the "registration fee" and "license fee" differ from a poll tax?

    Or, my favorite, donating $10 to every time I fill out a (no longer) Yellow Sheet when I'm standing there with my CCP, C&R, and, more than likely, carrying a handgun just like I'm buying.

    (Answer to the obvious question, "Smith and Wesson and/or Makarov" Either one's more addictive than peanuts.)

    I'st hope Fenty and Miz Kathy got a real good reason for discriminating against the differently-abled when it comes to gun ownership.

  9. I'm so hoping that Dick Heller has a "high" capacity pistol since the decision specifically directs the city to register his hand gun ("...the District must permit him to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home.")

    And just how many ways does this violate the ADA?

  10. Geebus. Why don't they go ahead and throw in the part about where women can't own them; or how blacks can't register firearms. Maybe make it for protestants only while they're at it. Protestants who take an oath of heterosexuality.

    What, that wouldn't go over either?


  11. "And just how many ways does this violate the ADA?"

    Ask my CCW class instructor (Mr. Paul Horvick of about the power of the ADA..... he was required to give his class, test, (and when the guy passed) issue a certification to a BLIND man.....

  12. And yes, any semi-auto can have a magazine of more than 11 round capacity fitted, so "semi-auto" and "fully-auto" are, according to that law, the same thing.

    Au contraire. After a lengthy (and prohibitively expensive) court battle, the District will deign to register your Broomie.

  13. This is my prediction. Eventually, after getting their asses handed to them in court case after court case, the court is going to just tell them they can't have any weapons laws at all.
    A guy can dream, can't he?

  14. I wonder if an itchy trigger finger counts.

  15. I suppose if these pols end up in the federal pen for civil rights violations, they might meet a few "bears".


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