Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The back yard awaits...

...a good mowing, but I think I'm going to go pedal around the block some first and see if it stirs up my creativity. After I shift the laundry. Whee! What an exciting life I lead!

Meanwhile, here's the random "Overheard in the Hallway..." post from this morning:

Me: (pacing up and down the hallway, thinking out loud) "Yadda yadda blah blah something political random assertion blablabla."

RX: (In bafroom getting ready for work) "Really?"

Me: "Well, I don't know for sure. Actually I'm just talking out my butt."

RX: "Your voice sounds the same as it always does."

Me: "My butt has remarkable acoustic properties."


  1. Keep riding that bike and you'll have a desirable audio/visual system there.


  2. Beautiful day for a ride. Temps are moderate, humidity is low, etc. I'm heading out for a 50 miler after work today. It'll probably take about 3hrs, which will give me plenty of time to think about nothing in particular.


  3. I ironed the sheets yesterday, and hooked up the new UHF antenna to a bamboo pole...

  4. You must have one of those new Bose butts.

  5. So in the last couple of days we've had posts about your rack and about your butt.

    What kind of blog is this becoming?

  6. "What kind of blog is this becoming?"

    One, sadly, with too few photos.

  7. "One, sadly, with too few photos."

    Well, Oleg is another 100 miles further from Tam than he used to be. That's certainly a factor.

  8. Eh, he's still an easy afternoon's drive away.

    I need to get down there; it's been way too long.


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