Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Holy. Crap.

Les Jones has the Photo Of The Year, baby. Worth a thousand words...

I wonder which Tennessee Pol drives that particular Suburban-in-a-Codpiece?


  1. If he'd gotten the number it could be easily found out...

  2. God, I wish those were the gas prices in this area...it's still $4.27 a gallon, here, and that's for the cheap Safeway stuff.

    As for the rig: That's pretty much as blatant a misuse of taxpayer money that I've ever seen. And then they had to add the redneck after-market lights in as an insult.

    Methinks the good folks of Tenn. should start heating up the tar and getting the feathers ready...

    Word verification: gagvfmc. How appropriate.

  3. Well, there are only 33 Senators, right? The name's bound to come out soon enough.

  4. Their premium is cheaper than our regular!
    I'm movin' in with my parents!

  5. It's not a tax paid for car, it's a personal car. Legislators and judges get special plates, it saves the police the trouble of pulling them over for speeding or DUI and then having to let them go.

    Tenn. only has back plates. That one will be numbered, the front one is the same for all.

    And there are more than 33. Ex senators, like the convicted criminal Crutchfield, can keep driving on the plates until dead. Or if Democrats, forever- like voting.

  6. It's probably Al Gore. he needs a vehicle that large for him and his hypocrisy.

  7. No such vehicle has yet been constructed. They have to travel separately.

  8. Wyatt, Stag- That's funny, I don't care Who ya are..... less'n yer one of them there Algorean True Believers.......... and come to think of it, ya cain't seem to swing a cat without claws connectin' with one of 'em........

  9. Just need a FOR SALE sign in the window for a complete picture.


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