Friday, July 04, 2008

I woke up in Bizzarro World...

As I usually do, I awoke to the dulcet tones of the TeeWee wafting through Roseholme Cottage. However, this morning something was wrong. This couldn't be the right planet, or maybe the date was wrong; maybe it was 4/1 and not 7/4.

I could swear I heard the Today Show doing an upbeat piece on... on Iraq? And then it segued into, into... that can't be! They can't be saying good things about nuclear power! Maybe I've been wrong about the religious thing after all, but in that case this is a very low key, very understated heaven. More Presbyterian than Baptist.


  1. If it were Presbyterian then it was predestined to happen and you shouldn't be so shocked.

    There should also be a lot more flowcharts and annotated New Testaments.

  2. It's a holiday, so none of the commissa... uh, editors were on duty.

    And those might just have been the first two news release DVDs to come in the door today. Laziness beats agenda.

  3. Sure way to find out - check the fridge.

    Is there one of those jello dishes with the canned fruit floating in it? Or maybe a tuna casserole?

    If so, you are definitely in the Presbyterian heaven. ;)

  4. If you were in Methodist heaven, it would be cheese pimento sandwiches.

  5. You know that in the Lutheran heaven, they've got Beer AND Mausers, right?

  6. "...a very low key, very understated heaven. More Presbyterian than Baptist."

    I suppose I'd have substituted the Baptists for the Church of Christ, but I take your point.


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