Monday, July 07, 2008

It appears Para does want me...

...after all.



  1. Well of course they do.


  2. Sorry, did I miss something?

  3. You, SayUncle, Joe - whoo-weee!!

  4. No shit?? You won?????

  5. Just think of it as "telling truth to power."

  6. Just make sure you watch them make the Kool-Aid.


  7. Well, if they didn't email you, that would basically be fixing the contest. I've found them to be nothing but upfront and honest with me, so it's reasonable to assume they would extend the invitation given your vote count.

  8. DUH. :-)

    Thanks for the effort on my part, anyway. I do appreciate it, and knowing that you like me enough to have done that means a lot.

  9. Bitter,

    "Well, if they didn't email you, that would basically be fixing the contest. I've found them to be nothing but upfront and honest with me, so it's reasonable to assume they would extend the invitation given your vote count."

    I didn't expect them to be anything but straight up. I was just a little surprised is all; after all, my campaign made Fred Thompson's look energetic and serious...

  10. I'm sure you did expect them to be straight up. It's just that what I've seen in comments around the blogosphere about what would happen if you won definitely did not give a fair shake to Para, and I do think the record should be straight on that. It's not really your comments that have startled me, it's been those of others. I don't think it's fair to taint them with an image that hasn't been deserved - at least as far as the contest and the outreach are concerned.

  11. Huh. I hadn't seen those...

    That is kinda uncool; anybody saying that is really being unfair. As I noted, Para really bent over backwards for the 2A Blog Bash. Lord knows I'm willing to give them a fair shake.

  12. I probably would voted for Thompson in November if he was on the ballet. You had my vote weeks ago, They wanted my vote for the best Gun blogger, you have the best gun blog entries of anyone I read(at least on the other blog) You may have even talked me into buying one of those funny hand guns with the turning wheel.

  13. I've been watching links to their site through Bloglines, Google, & Technorati like a hawk.

    Some people were even bitching about how dare we correct them when they whined about not getting invited even though they didn't participate in the Bash. I have to admit, the responses from a few folks have been a bit of a shock to me. I never expected anyone to become the biggest fanboys of Para ever, but fairness is always appreciated. :)

  14. I spoke with Kirby about you.

    This should be FUN!

    See you there!

  15. I have this sudden hankering for a hi-cap .45...

  16. Changing your mind, or at least trying to is important to them.

    Be careful about what they put in your beer. 8-{)

  17. I'm of the opinion that Tam could be the most dispassionate Para reviewer on the line. She strikes me as the epitome` of Para-antifangrrl as far as devotion to their product, but in my experience, what one hopes for is a neutral third party as an evaluator.

    It's not as if she's been asked to shoot HK's or anything, folks. She likes the overall platform well enough, and most assuredly has scads of experience with Browning's Masterwork. I look forward to hearing what she thinks of this iteration of it. She might make a persuasive argument in favor of adapting a new tool.

    Buckle up, have fun, be safe, act civilized. I'm looking forward to everyone's after-action reports.


  18. Tam, if you stick out, you're gonna get hammered.
    And you surely stick out.

    I mean that in the best way :)

  19. Like I said before-- a critic is the best feedback to hear from. I voted for you, qithout reservation.

  20. Congratulations to you and Miss Fatale!

    (If I were dead, my voting record in this contest would make me a Democrat from Chicago.)

  21. I was just a little surprised is all; after all, my campaign made Fred Thompson's look energetic and serious...

    Oh, you had to go and bring that up.... :-P

    Congratulations and have fun!

  22. Hopefully they will listen to your advice, and we can all look forward to their new line of shooty goodness, now with 30% more snark!


  23. i never stocked the para, mostly because at that price level there's a lot of (better imo) choices...and the ones i special ordered invariably had minor flaws...not what you expect in that price range.

    no doubt tam will offer her opinions unvarnished and with her typical evocative prose...and unless they've made some changes in qc in the last few years it might be a bit painful for the execs to hear...


  24. You should bring a Webley-Fosbury.

    I'm sure someone on THR or TFL can loan you one ...


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