Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maybe he gets a "Godalanche"?

You know who I feel sorry for in the whole blogging scenario? Glenn Reynolds.

I mean, who can he get all excited about a link from? I guess he could link to himself, but Helen would probably look at him funny if he came dancing into the kitchen, whooping "Whee! Look! An Instalanche!" Besides, I'm not sure if Tennessee has repealed those old Victorian laws about linking to yourself or not...


  1. Heh. Indeed.

    A long time ago, Evangelical Outpost did a study on who Instapundit links to. Turns out that the most common person Instapundit links to is.... Glenn Reynolds. So for all we know Helen may see him doing the happy dance all the time.

  2. So long as he washes his hands afterwards...

  3. I'm kinda hopping I don't ever get an Instalanche. My hosting service is weak on good days. They'd probably fall over dead if that much traffic came through.

  4. Godalanche? I didn't know God had a blog! I wonder what his googlerank is...

    My sysadmin would fly down to Florida and shoot me if I got instalanched...


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