Monday, July 14, 2008

More on (rhymes with "moron") Security Theater.

More proof (as if it were needed) that the lunatics are running the asylum.


  1. There's no post at the linked site.

  2. Or... apparently I just had a big old glitch in my browser. Ignore previous transmission.

  3. It sounds like the cops are as tired of it as I am.

  4. So what's a little cold medicine?

    Disarmament advocates are essentially arguing that national security endangers national security. I often wonder how one can hold two such thoughts in his mind in close proximity, without so much as an arc of potential jumping across the chasm to even the charge and produce "reason". Maybe it does happen, and that is why disarmers stand dumbfounded when you carefully explain your position. (Listen for the snapping sound and look for a flash behind the eyes.)

    And I consider "national security" to include the entire nation, not just the expensive monuments to socialism, some underground bunkers, and a few radar installations. I'm sure the fact that DC doesn't share a border with Mexico created considerable confusion among the elite when they were put to task.

  5. thanks for the link.
    And since you generated a heck of lot more traffic than a link last week from the WSJOnlin, you may officially consider yourself much more of a media powerhouse than the WSJ.

  6. I'm creating a cough syrup called "Gargle My Nuts, Mall Ninja." It'll be great. "What's that your mixing in your lap, potential terrorist?"

    "Gargle My Nuts, Mall Ninja!"

    I swear to God, the number of times your average American has been sexually or physically assaulted by these mentally retarded federal officials who were hired from the lower rungs of the IRS and handed guns ought to find a career more suited to their aptitude - like, for example, sorting apples by size on a very, very slow conveyor belt.

    While that reporter was manhandled, the three terrorists on a dry run in that airline were high-fiving each other.

    Tactical douchebags...


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