Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Overheard in the hall...

Me: "What is it CERN is looking for again? Higgins' bosom?"



  1. Actually, I think they're looking for Airman Third Class Axel Higgs, AKA "The Unstoppable Higgs" (in an era of mad science, search is your friend).

  2. I love the comment in the wikipeadia article.

    "All or part of this article may be confusing or unclear."

    Gee, ya think?

  3. Higgins' bosom, or the fundamental breast particle, is a theoretical massive particle (as opposed to a massless one such as the Obaman-Honesteon) which gives suppleness and curvature mathematically defined as pleasing to the female breast.

    In 2009, CERN will attempt experiments to isolate this particle by using high-energy magnetic fields to affect the wiring in a super-dense brassiere sample (density in excess of 30000 DD/m^3 - cup sizes per cubic meter). It is hoped that when the magnetic field is properly aligned, the underwiring will lift, separate, and support the Higgin's Bosom particle, which will be recognized by all male physicists in the room staring slack-jawed and proclaiming "Damn!"

    Critics and others without the necessary math and physics background to understand the experiment have voiced claims that isolating this particle would be dangerous in that the realignment of the underwire in the bra sample (or BS) could potentially reconfigure the matter into a permanantly menstrual Barbra Streissand (again, BS - conservation of bras).

  4. To make this clear to non-scientists and tech types I would like to add that the Higgs 'Intermediate Vector' Boson' is the hypothetical exchange particle for the weak nuclear force and provides much of the power feeding the plasma conduits in all Star Trek and in fact most other Federation vessels.

    It has long been by favorite sub-atomic particle, though when I was younger I had a liking for tau-mesons.

  5. WEll, having read all three books in John Ringo's Looking Glass series i personally opposed them making a higgs Boson.

  6. Of course, Higgins' Bosom is fundamental to computing as well. It's at the heart of RAM - Random Access Mammary.



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