Saturday, July 19, 2008

Overheard in the hallway...

Yesterday morning I came back in the house off the front porch where I had been reading. As I went through the catlock between the front and back halves of the house, I had to pass the bathroom, where RobertaX was getting ready for work.

Me: *sniffle*
RX: *looks over and notices tears on my cheeks* "What's wrong?"
Me: *holds up copy of Terry Pratchett's Reaper Man*
RX: "Oh! Sad book?"
Me: "No, not sad at all. It's the opposite of sad, actually. The ending just always takes me this way. It's kind of silly, really; I mean, this is like the third time I've read it..."


  1. You realize this means you have to give up your hard*** badge, right?
    "There's no crying in shooting sports!"
    And of course, the elite operators at Blackhawk are gonna make fun of you....

    Hadn't gotten to Reaper Man yet, guess I'll have to pick it up now, just out of curiosity....

  2. Well that's odd. I don't know how I got signed in that way...

  3. When Tam cries, people dies.
    Pratchett and Gaiman always make me draw a breath I din't expect too.

  4. It's the ending of Going Postal that gets me every time, though Reaper Man can elicit a few extra blinks.

  5. For endings, it's hard to beat Pratchett and Gaiman's "Good Omens".

    Olde Force

  6. Et tu, Tam?


  7. Reaper Man was one of my wife's favorite books. I had to buy three copies of it over the years because she kept damaging them by reading in the tub or taking it on camping trips etc.. Wonderful book.


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