Monday, July 28, 2008

Overheard near the TeeWee...

Today reporter, interviewing Richard Branson regarding SpaceShip Two: "Is it safe?"

Me, yelling at TeeWee: "Who cares? It's safer than the Mayflower was!"


  1. Maybe the reporter was just trying to find out whether he could go get his diamonds.

  2. Safe and fun are not usually synonyms.

  3. Burt Rutan is a god.

  4. Safe or not, the second I can afford a ticket, I'm on it.

  5. Do you refer to the ship of the Pilgrims or the Shuttle in "Airplane II"

  6. Y'know, if I could afford a ticket on SpaceShip Two, and a crazy gypsy lady grabbed my arm and told me it would burn up on reentry with me on board...

    ...I'd make sure my will was in order and climb the hell in. Ya gotta die of something, it may as well be of heroism.

  7. Now that is a money quote right there.

  8. Tam, didn't we have exactly that conversation regarding Columbia a few years back?

    Still would. To see that? Do to that? Hell, where do I sign...

  9. "Is it safe? Hell no it's not safe you simpering hand-wringer! You're strapping in to a metric assload of go-fast and leaving such reassuring constants as gravity and atmosphere! Of course it's not safe you pansy little crybaby. What it IS though is cooler than anything you will ever do in your worry-filled life. Now someone hit the go switch, I'm gonna find my own planet. With blackjack and hookers!"

  10. "With blackjack and hookers!"

    "As a matter of fact, forget the park!"

    Bender is not only my hero, he's my role model. Each and every day I strive to be more Bender-like.

  11. Hey baby, wanna help me kill all the humans?

  12. Apparently this is some strange usage of the word 'safe' I wasn't previously aware of.

  13. Gawd... do you just get dumb in J-School, or do they recruit them that way?

    It's a freakin' space ship, idiot. Of course it's safe. Dumbshit.

  14. And, safe for whom?

    However dangerous the Mayflower (and the Nina, Pinta, and Santa maria) were to their occupants, that's nothing to how dangerous they were to the Indians.

  15. Save the martians! Ban spaceflight! Keep Mars Pristine!

    What? There aren't any Martians? Aiiieeee! Wicked polluting humans extinctionated them!


  16. The sooner they make with the millionaires in space, the sooner I can afford a ticket. Chop chop, Burt.


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