Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poking the bear...

Their calendars must be all messed up in Tehran, 'cause mine says that Obama doesn't get inaugurated until January 20th of next year. Then they can build all the nukes and test fire all the missiles they want and Jimmy Carter v2.0 will talk to them about it and maybe boycott their Olympics. (If they ever have an Olympics in that godforsakenbesotted corner of the earth. I'd imagine the women's swimming events are slow as molasses from the high-drag swimwear.)


  1. I have an a pool going on how long before Israel says "fuck it" and bombs them back to the stone age.

  2. *Cough* Photoshop *Cough*

    Agreed. I see Israel taking care of this threat in the near future.

  3. I hope they do it before the inauguration, `cause they're gonna' need tacit permission from the US to fly over Iraq to get to Iran.

  4. Realpolitik check here - Obama, PBUH, will be in a better position to start opening the can of whoop-ass on Iran than Dubya. Dubya's at the end of his term with his popularity ratings in the toilet. Obama stands some chance of foreign nations taking his side. Iran are taunting Dubya while he's down and they've got the opportunity, they'll quieten down when Obama, PBUH, takes the throne.

  5. Oh, please. You think Iran is going to make nice just because Obama wins the presidency?

    They'll eat Obama alive. And they'll go right on doing what they're doing until we have to put a hard stop to it.

  6. Off topic. Tam, do you realize how creepy the Amazon link is? It err went from your recommendations on books to commercial hints from my past purchases. Didn't put two and two together until just now. Tam a Motorhead fan? Iron Maiden I could see... but. And the Wonder Woman Action figures(NO, I've got a daughter!) were the dead giveaway. Hope DHS doesn't poach any webheads from Amazon!

  7. '...molasses-slow' swim team is true, but just imagine their female eight-metre high board diving team.
    Or plummet-using-drogues-team, as the case may be. (too.Much.MONTY-PYTHON.must.stoppp...)


  8. Since we have that antiballistic missile thingy, wouldn't it be nice to get in two tests for the price of one?

    Although President G.W.Bush has low ratings, they are about twice that of Congress, and higher than that of the news media.

  9. Don Meaker said: Although President G.W.Bush has low ratings, they are about twice that of Congress, and higher than that of the news media.
    You're not supposed to notice that! Now the Media Pure Thought Police are going to come after all of us!

  10. Actually, Don, Dubya's approval ratings are about three times those of Congress.

  11. Sorry guys, I'd love to help, but it's hard to be optimistic. The people are very antsy about Iran, but the current government is too weak to make either peace or war. Olmert is too busy fighting corruption indictments to care about a little thing like nuclear holocaust. I like it even less than you do.

    Sara in Israel.

  12. Sure, they'll lose the swimming portion of the Olympics, but the wet burqa contests are gonna be frickin' awesome.


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