Thursday, July 03, 2008

Things at which you shouldn't laugh...

...but you do anyway:

Poor Tommy the Geriatricat is running up and down the hall at top speed, pursued by the poo demon. He gives me a panicked glance every time he passes and I'm trying to catch him so I can help him, but I'm laughing so hard that I can hardly breathe. The way he ground loops on the hardwood floor every time he tries to reverse course just puts the cherry on the cake of the whole thing.


  1. Ahh, the dreaded butt fur snags another one!

    I'll see your poo demon and raise you a tinsel ghost (cat ate tinsel and was not happy that the tinsel ghost was chasing her about the house seeking vengence for it's untimely ingestion).

  2. What about things that come out alive?

  3. that's what I thought it was...

    i prefer it when the pooch eats rubber bands. then you have catapult capability AND ammo during the 'scoop' phase

  4. madrocketscientist,

    That sounds quite familiar. I've been known to go around singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, there's tinsel hanging out the cat's butt, fa la la la la la la la ..."

    But then I'm a bit odd at the best of times.


  5. I had a dog that ate an audio cassette tape. Porgy & Bess I think it was. I just stepped on the end and threw a stick.

  6. Our cat runs mowling from the poo demon everytime.

  7. I had a cat named Hershey (he was all white, and I thought I was witty) who frequently fled his litter box in terror.

    Once, he tore out of the box, ran a few steps, and dropped arse on the kitchen floor and proceeded to drag for a foot or so. Ears flat and wild-eyed, he jumped up, ran a few more feet, and dropped again for more dragging.

    This behavior was repeated four or five times, each instance leaving a foot-long skid mark across the kitchen floor, until the clinging object dropped free.

    I've never laughed so hard in my life.


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