Thursday, August 28, 2008

Country girl can survive...

Remember that song I posted a link to a few months back? Here's an interview with the artist, Miranda Lambert:
What did you think when you heard you were going to be on the cover of a magazine called Garden & Gun?
I was excited. I think that fits my personality.

You’re a gardener, right?
Yeah, I live on a farm and I was just talking to my boyfriend last night about what we’re going to plant. Plus I’m a “gun-toting chick”—I have my concealed handgun license—so it all sounded perfect!
(Thanks for the link, Rob!)


  1. Good on her. I like to see folks, and wimmens in perticular, that own up to being gun people. (Really, it's the independent thinking that I like. If someone has that mindset, they'll never have a problem with my firearms ownership.)

  2. It's not at all surprising since at the Milwaukee NRA Meeting, she announced that she was an NRA Life member at the Banquet. She also seems to come from a family of NRA Lifers.

  3. And she puts her singing where her mouth is (so to speak). "Gunpowder and Lead":

  4. The interviewer sure didn't seem enthused about the thought of her packing.

  5. He was probably some sort of dirty hippie.

  6. Not a hippie. Maybe something worse.

  7. Oh good, I was looking for this piece a little while ago.


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