Saturday, August 23, 2008

Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #48: ParaUSA LTC 9

Shoot 'til it hurts...

I burned more powder today than I have at one time in a long time. We started early in the morning with some simple drills, picking up from where we left off yesterday with sight picture, a good firm grip, sight picture, trigger control, and sight picture. From there, it was time to work from the holster.

Todd made sure everyone could work safely from the leather plastic, and from there we went to shooting on the move, both moving towards and away from the target, as well as laterally along the firing line. Ironically, shooting on the move can be easier than you think, because you're generally zoned in on the front sight and what surplus attention you have is on your footwork and that doesn't leave enough brainpower to overthink your trigger pull and botch your shot.

Awesome Mad Max rental car. Spent Simunitions included.

After a ride in the totally rad Blackwater taxi to the chow hall for lunch, stages got more complicated, mixing movement and barricades and moving targets.

More later...


  1. Are the windows open, or gone???

  2. Wow, and I thought my dinged up black 'burb was looking a might sad..

  3. Tam, you thinkin' about buyin' that nifty peashooter?

  4. Nice iron....... Both of 'em!


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