Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ooh, look!

Nazis in the comments section!


  1. Thanks, Tam, I had to follow the track find ZOG and then go to Wikipedia and ask what that meant. I lead such a sheltered life, but then any fool that thinks Zionists (real ones) are going to disarm any one, hasn't read enough History.

    And it was only the third choice, I liked the planet of Zig and Zag better.

  2. Kneel before...

    (one wonders if when all that happens, they'll be wearing metallic-fringed black open front jumpsuits.)

  3. If you can stomach going to his blog, it's more of the same. What's funny is the near total lack of comments. He doesn't get much in the way of traffic I guess.

    Its dem dam jooos I tellz ya!

    Sorry, I had to poke the armchair patriot in the other thread...


  4. The photo of Orion on his website....pirate in drag on the Mississippi or poorly outfitted Gen. Custer costume?

  5. AK-47s are +3 against Nazis and the Undead.

    ...I'm just sayin'.

  6. What does the late King of Albania have to do with Jews?

  7. I dunno, Zog always seemed like such a laid-back guy.

  8. Duh, Blues Brothers! 8)

    One of the all-time greats...

  9. Your blog hasn't really arrived 'til you've got Neo Nazis trolling your comments.

    Welcome to the Big Time, Tam.

  10. 'I know a dark, secluded place,

    where we'll rebuild the Master Race.

    A Spanish name, a German face.

    You're in Kommandos Hideaway.'


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