Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Overheard In Front Of The TeeWee...

Cubs/Astros game is in progress...

Gunsmith Bob: "Why are you rooting for the Cubs?"

Me: "I think the two teams I hate the most are Houston and the Mets."

GB: "Houston? Why Houston?"

Me: "I guess because of all those times the Braves had to play them in the postseason. They're The Enemy."

GB: "That's a weird reason to hate a team. I mean, any decent person would hate the Mets, but the Astros?"

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'll give you that one, Tam. Gotta love me some post-season thumpin' on the ATL.

    I believe that letting the Cubbies stay in first place is Gawd's version of taking a magnifying glass to an anthill.


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