Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Overheard in the Office:

Here at Roseholme Cottage, we use a manual drip coffee maker to get things started in the Ay Em...

RX: "Hey, your coffee water's ready."

Me: "I know. I put extra water in the kettle so I could listen to it whistle for a while. It's such a cheery sound..."

I'm so very easily amused.


  1. I used to have one that made a sound like an air raid siren. Softly at first, then louder until I wanted to go to the Tube station.

  2. Well ... at least you're not making coffee in the French style. Whew. For a moment, I was worried.

  3. French press coffee is fantastic, regardless of its Frog origins. I almost always try to do a couple of cups on Saturday mornings with half-and-half.

  4. Does yours have the wooden collar? And how do they get that on there anyway?

  5. Looking at the pictures on the web site, I would guess that the wooden colar is in two sections and just held together with the drawstring.

    I looked them over and like them okay except,... the largest will only make ten cups. I go through a 12 cup pot by myself every morn (and sometimes in the evening too) I get three fillings of my cup from each pot.


  6. It IS a cheery sound. I use a manual drip Melitta cone, and always add extra water to the kettle to make oatmeal. And occasionally to listen to that cheery whistle while I work.


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