Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin? Color me impressed.

I'll tell you what, this kicks the Barack *redacted* Obama campaign right in the slats and shows his VP choice up for the cynical, gun-shy, least-common-denominator sop to the old guard of the Dem party that it was.

(...and if McCain wins, we could have President Palin in four years. I feel a little giddy all of a sudden. I'm going to have to do some soul-searching here.)

UPDATE: I'm not the only person stoked by this. (Pay close attention to that last link. Awww, Biden, who's the sad clown?)


  1. Very cool! I was worried it was going to be Giuliani.

  2. I had a feeling some time ago that he might choose her; not only is she a viable candidate in her own right, but some of the female Clinton followers may decide to vote for her after feeling slighted by the Dem party.

  3. Is this to say that you have some ... hope ? For ... change ?

  4. I guess this means the Democrats are right back to where they were during the primaries. They get to choose between being racists or sexists, since they already admitted back then that race and gender are their only determining factors for how to place their votes.

    This is absolutely fantastic. I don't know how the feminazis are going to wrap their heads around this choice.

  5. When I heard it was Palin, I was a bit giddy too.....
    Not because she is easy on the eyes, but she is very pro gun, & that's what matters,

  6. Maybe less than four years -- while the reports say McCain is healthy, he's still 72 years old. He may not last four years in the Oval Office. A heart attack, a stroke, cancer, a general stress breakdown are all valid possibilities.

  7. Been saying it for a long time; the best course of action for the empty suit that the Pachs nominate, McStain in this case, is to nominate a certain SecState as Veep, but this is about as good as can be gotten otherwise.

    Nicely played trump by the GOP. Whoever came up with the idea needs a serious promotion.

  8. "Palin/Jindal 2012!"

    Kevin, we're on the same channel there, sir!

  9. She smoked Dope "when it was legal"
    That is great! She has moral authority over BHO and Bill_C who smoked it where it was illegal.

    I wonder what all the libs like Wonkette who were gushing over her two years ago, calling her a GILF , I wonder if they are going to support her now that she is on the ticket?

    I wonder if the Steel Workers Union are going to endorse the Wife of one of their members, or are going to go with the same old party?


  10. hunh... wow.

    That is kinda cool. Provided Alaskans let her get on the plane for Washington that is. As you might have guessed, she's a wee bit popular up here. :)

    The country could do a heck of a lot worse.

  11. Sorry, but I'm cynical. When The Annointed One picked Joe Biden as his running mate, I wondered what McVain would do to make an even more unhelpful (even stupid) choice.

    He didn't disappoint.

    McVain has been beating the drum about The Annointed One's lack of experience and his "unreadiness" to be president. Then, he turns around and choses for his own VP... the governor of Alaska??? A woman who's been in office only two years??? Is this a joke??? Oh, and let's not forget those two AK members of Congress who are under investigation / indictment for corruption, eh? Guilt by association may be wrong, but it works. The dems will have a field day with Palin.

    God save the United States... 'cuz there ain't nobody else who'll take on the job.

  12. I'm impressed. McCain may have given me the ability to vote my conscience, and for him, at the same time.

    I mean, I was hoping he'd pick Palin, but since my desires and government are usually something that never meet, I didn't figure he'd actually do it.

    Awesome. Hooray!

  13. Well, DocJim, I'm not as cynical as you.

    Yesterday, there was a 100% chance I would not be voting GOP.

    Today, I'm suddenly mulling the idea.

    From a quick troll around the web, I see I'm not alone, either.

    I don't like to hold my nose & vote, but if they're offering free nose plugs...

  14. Well, if the purpose of a running-mate was to sweep up a group which he previously didn't have, I'd say that was a success. Mebbe I'm cynical and stuff.

    What little I know of Palin, I generally approve of. I just can't get past thinking of it as "a very clever move" first.

  15. She shoots ARs? That horrible poodle-shooting, poops-where-it-eats, Mattel-manufactured platform? That does it. I'm definitely voting Obama/Biden, now.

  16. If nothing else, it gets her national exposure. And Republicans need nationally-known potential candidates who are NOT senators and NOT part of the D.C. establishment. Reynolds: "...if Republicans want another Reagan, they should recognize that he didn't come from nowhere, and work on their farm team."

  17. I like the Palin/Jindal '12 ticket myself.

  18. tam,

    I hope I'm wrong about Palin. It may be that she has the smarts, the poise, the grace, and everything else needed to be a stellar candidate. It may be that the Obama camp will overdo attacks on her, driving more women to vote GOP. It may be that, by pointing at her lack of experience, The Annointed One draws unwanted attention to his own thin resume. It may be that Joe Biden will debate her and show himself to be the arrogant, stupid blowhard we all know him to be, making her look like Winston Churchill in comparison.

    It may be.

    As for buzz around the conservative blogosphere, I've seen it, too. It was the same with Fred. My thought is that conservatives are so desperate for a candidate with ANY conservative creds that they get their hopes up when one comes along, only to have them dashed later.

    Until I learn more about Palin - and see her in action - I'm not going to get too worked up. Additionally, let's remember that she's in the #2 spot behind a man who is known for being a vain, erratic, pigheaded old fool who doesn't take advice from anybody. As a coworker of mine suggested (and not entirely joking), maybe Palin was the only person McCain could find who was willing to appear on the ticket with him.

    We'll see.

  19. I have goosebumps, a gigantic new girl crush and finally a glimmer of hope! (and change!)

  20. That choice would be full of cake and win.

  21. *giddy mode on*

    You sorta don't mind the flooded kitchen so much, now, do you?

    Frabjous day, indeed!

  22. I think it's a good choice, she has good conservative creds, and may have some real appeal to the Clinton crowd. Both of these factors have potential to sway a lot of votes McCain's way. Not to mention she seems to have some guts. Yes, her experience is a bit thin, but she is on the ticket as a VP, not the Pres. (Not to mention the Dems may not have expected a FEMALE conservative on the ticket.)

  23. Palin? Good. This could be the start of a new 'tang dynasty.

  24. Not a bad choice. It'd be better if she wasn't in favor of teaching superstitious claptrap in publicly funded schools, but nobody's perfect.

  25. She sold the jet her predecessor bought on credit. It brought in $2.7 million on eBay. Squee!

  26. Where does she come down on this Glock vs. 1911 thing? I'm guessin' 1911.

  27. She does have a lot of real world experience. She's a former mayor and city councilor, owned a couple of businesses. It'd be better if she had two terms as governor, instead of two years, but overall that's better than what the big O has.

  28. "...and if McCain wins, we could have President Palin in four years"

    And if McCain wins, we could have President Palin during the swearing in ceremony. JM is no kid.

  29. If you speak wishes aloud, it keeps them from coming true...


  30. I'm thinkin' that any Governor picks up more managerial experience in two years than a Senator does in twenty.

    A Palin/Jindal-2012 ticket would actually make me get my checkbook out.

    Fred for AG? Think he would rein in the BATFU?

    And as regards MILF, I don't mess with no married women, especially when I don't know how big, mean or heavily-armed their husbands are.

  31. Her husband is an ex-Army sniper.

  32. "Her husband is an ex-Army sniper."

    Hell, this just gets better and better!

    There's a picture of her wearing fur while making a speech! She went back to work three days after giving birth! She's a pilot! She eloped with her high school sweetheart! She can skin a moose! She was a beauty queen!

    I wonder how hard it would be to get some nail clippings or hair trimmings from McCain to put in the voodoo doll?

  33. Breda found video of Palin actually firing an AR-15.

  34. Actually, it was a photo-op with the military, so it's likely it's actually an M4.

    I like the pick a lot. I like it enough I might be drinking to McCain's health for the next four years with a *wink*.

  35. Dibs on the "Palin/McCain" bumpersticker concession!

  36. rickn8or said...
    "I'm thinkin' that any Governor picks up more managerial experience in two years than a Senator does in twenty."
    Historically (if you believe in statistics) State Governors beat US Senators in Presidential Elections.
    One Senator + One Governor v. Two Senators=?
    I'm not saying this should be the basis for your Vegas odds-laying, but things are definitely looking up!

  37. When Saul McCain starts hearing the ghostly citar playing Hendrix tunes, she'll be ready to step into his shoes.

    I'm impressed. So far the worst dirt they've got on her is that her office may have pressured the State Police to fire one of their officers who was also the ex of her sister and something of a pud. If that's the worst they have then by Alaskan standards she's pure as the driven snow.

    She also stuck it to some of the oil companies when they were screwing around with bidding on a LNG pipeline, so she can hardly be classified as a "Big Oil" stooge.

    The best part was when Biden said that she lacked the qualifications to assume the office of POTUS. Uh, Joe, she's got more executive experience than your guy...

    The absolute best part is that the first female VP could be a conservative, NRA, prolife, mother of five. Now that's a change we can believe in!

  38. "The absolute best part is..." absolutely butthurt the lefties, pinkos, and hippies are about this.

    Vote PALIN/mccain, and make a hippie cry!

  39. Hey DocJim...even Jesus had a mother and he surely answered to Her. Hahahaa...

    As for the two members of Congress who are under indictment; who do you think put them there?

    If McCain croaks during his tenure, she automatically becomes President. AND, still gets to run for 2 more terms. Oh. My. God. I think I'm going to have a screaming orgasm tonight. Wheeeeeeee!!!!

  40. The only thing that could be better would be if she were black, lesbian, and leading the ticket (as the world would suddenly improve as various fanatics heads exploded due to severe cognitive dissonance).

    As it is...I'm pretty darned happy about Palin. Pro-gun (check); Pro-gay (check); anti-corruption (check); practices what she preaches (check)...

    Well...maybe I won't hafta hold my nose QUITE so tightly...

  41. I was so fed up I was comitted to voting the Constitution Party ticket. Or not at all.

    I will be voting for Palin. She has all the right cred.

    I don't know which impresses me more, the pick or the security surrounding the pick.

    Something Bush Jr. never had keeping all those Demoncrats in his cabinet who constently stabbed him in the back from day one.

    I didn't think Skeletor was capable.

    Colour me stupified.


  42. orangeneckinny,

    I hope Palin is everything she appears: tough, conservative, bright.

    But it creates some cognitive dissonance for me to go from NOT voting for The Annointed One because (among many, many other things) he lacks experience to voting FOR Palin who has just as little as he has. And Palin is still in the second spot on the ticket: the person who's REALLY running is still that grumpy, bitter, crazy old "maverick" John McVain.

  43. "Maybe less than four years -- while the reports say McCain is healthy, he's still 72 years old. He may not last four years in the Oval Office. A heart attack, a stroke, cancer, a general stress breakdown are all valid possibilities."

    Actually, the life expectancy of an American male who has already reached the age of 72 is eleven years...something that you may be sure that the moonbats would shriek if the topic were Social Security reform instead of the Presidency.

    As for a stress breakdown...might could happen; POTUS is a tough gig. But if I had to choose between President McCain having a stress-induced stroke or President Obama having a stress-induced mental collapse, I know where my money would go.

  44. ’ve been watching Palin, for a while CNBC has been giving her a lot of air time on Cudlow and Company before the VP pick. She was seeking on how Alaska knows how to do environmentally sensitive drilling for oil. She seems incredibly smart, and is Pro second amendment, I’m independent; McCain and Palin is now a slam dunk for me.
    One term for McCain and two for Palin? It looks like the republics are setting her up to be the next president if McCain wins.


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